Question about opiate withdrawal

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Darth_Bane, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. These past few months I have been taking at least 10mg of Oxycodone a day. It's gotten to the point where if I don't take it, I get nauseated, depressed, raw nerves, and just a general shit feeling. It only takes 5mg of the stuff to make it all go away. My question is, seeing as this is such a low dose, if I quit cold turkey, how many days would it take for the nausea and everything to subside? Thanks in advance.
  2. After 4-7 days the worst should be over. But you will probably still feel off not being on it. gl
  3. it will be hell for a few days and then it will fade for the next week or so.

    Energy drinks and immodium are essential. Oh and of course the best weed you can get your hands on.

    Sleep will be a big problem so get some sleeping pills or melatonin.

    GL and chalk this up as an experiment to not be repeated as the only way a opiuate addiction goes is south.
  4. I went all day today without any but I just took 5mg because it was there and I just couldn't get it off my mind. I'm now out and I won't have any until after Thanksgiving. I'm making plans now to get some bud for tomorrow. I will have Amitriptalyne(sp?) to put me to sleep. There's a hot tub in my back yard that I'm sure I will be in for the majority of the next few days. I will also have plenty of NOS energy drinks. Looks like I'm set up quite nicely. :D

    Unfortunately, I will always have a steady supply of this stuff. I'm pissed that I'm in this shit situation with Oxy as my crutch, but realistically it's just too good of a feeling for me to give up entirely. After all this stuff is out of my system, I'm going to save it all for special occassions (i.e birthday, super bowl, etc). Now that I've been down this road, hopefully I will know not to take them regularly like I've done ever again.

    Yes today truly was hell. The pills were all I could think about. It was nowhere near the shit some of you hardcore junkies go through but as I've never felt hardcore withdrawal and don't have anything to compare it to, this is pretty damn bad. I'm kicking myself right at this moment for actually making THE DECISION to take them every day. Jesus fuck that was a stupid decision.

    Thanks guys. : )
  5. Hang in there buddy. I've only taken vicodin but withdrawals are terrible. I use to take 3-4 vicodin a day, which is not a lot but can lead to some unintended affects. The best thing to do is to smoke some bud on the days your getting withdrawals. After the first few days the worst will be behind you. Hang in there buddy.
  6. what is the highest dosage when you would say you were at your worst?

    if your down to 5mg already, your almost there!!!! :)

    i cant imagine you feel bad after about a week, good call on getting the bud! good luck man
  7. good luck. 10 mgs a day is not that much but by taking it everyday.....well you know what you are going through. i love me some OC, and it's hard sometimes to put the necessary space between uses. i try and put at least 72 hrs between recreational doses of any opiates. opiate withdrawal is a mutherfucker. but it is better for you to learn this lesson beating a 10mg a day habit than a 100mg a day habit! i get sick to my stomach even thinking about it.
  8. when i tried to quit cold turkey i lasted 8 days, but i was taking much much more than 10mg of oxy a day. they can last 2 weeks, but you shouldn't expect that long off 10mg, more like 4-7 days like jagfan said, but you won't feel normal for a while.
  9. #9 medicate, Nov 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2009
    To me, it really sounds like this is very very mental. It could be that you've developed a mental addiction that is just barely strong enough to form a slight physical dependance. You're down to a very low dose right now and i'd say just tough it out for at least a full week, then maybe even wait a little while longer after that to avoid any more dependence.

    You've got it reeeaaally easy right now is what you gotta realize though. It doesnt take long for someone to build up a fatty tolerance and start withdrawing even harder when they finally quit cold. So just try to think positive and realize that it could be worse (much, much worse......:().
  10. There is some great advice in this thread :D

    The only thing I will add is Diphenhydramine at night for sleep and Kava Kava for the withdrawals. I have heard Kratom is a surprisingly good and safe substitute for opiates, but I have never had the opportunity to try any.

    Stay busy and stay positive. For a while you will get this feeling like "life has no point," but just realize your thinking is altered and wait it out. Once you are out of the woods you realize there is plenty to live for and that opiates are really an empty, pointless, and fruitless endeavor.
  11. Thanks for all your support guys. I went all day today with none. I've been out in the hot tub smoking bowls and playing MW2 which I just got to keep me occupied. I've shit about three times in the past six hours. =/ I'm sneezing a lot. The nausea is steady but not too terrible, I just feel dizzy and want to throw up but the weed really helps. The worst part is raw nerves and the cold feeling all through my body. I'm depressed to the point that I feel like crying but I haven't cried in over a year and I'm not sure I can anymore... My words are somewhat slurred because I've got this weird sensation in my tongue and face.

    I know it's not really that bad compared to what it could be, but it still sucks. It's still a very uncomfortable feeling, kind of like a mild flu. And the fact that I know if I take just 5mg of Oxy it will all go away, and I could probably find one makes it that much worse.

    Every single day I had 10mg of Oxy. There was a time when I got 40 methadone 5's and binged the FUCK out. Then there were the odd binges of about 40-50mg of Hydro or Oxy a day. My tolerance got to the point where I had to take like 30mg or so to get a decent rush, after a while I just took them not to feel great but to not feel like shit, and 5mg did the trick decently. It still leaves me wanting more and more but it takes the edge off quite nicely.
  12. stick with it. it's gonna get a little worse before it gets better. flu like symptoms is right on. in a couple of days you'll start to feel better, couple days after that you should be done. the thing you have going for you most is you had a relatively low dose habit. keep with it your almost there.
  13. Opiates dry the bowels causing constipation. Increased bowel movements (shitting) is normal during withdrawal from opiates. Hang in there buddy, just keep packing bowls :smoking:

    I once made the mistake of taking vicodin 3 days in a row. Not nearly as bad as your problem, but I can relate nonetheless. Respect the power of the opiates, they're not to be fucked with (as you know!!)
  14. Oh I'm definitely riding this out to the end. Believe that, when I make deep decisions like this I stick with them. I'm not wasting 2-3 days of my life just to start back up again.
  15. This sucks. Does anyone know if today counted as day 2, since I took 5mg last night?
  16. that must be the new math. i always thought that a day was 24 hrs. :D JK getting high was your journey, getting a habit was your journey, getting off them is also going to be your journey. no one can tell you how to do it, but we can support you. if today needs to be day 2 for YOU so be it.
  17. My brother is presribed roxie 30s and he was taking up for 20 of them a day...was a complete zombie..

    Anyways, He quit cold turkey and I thought he was going to die. I could see his heart beating through his shirt...Anyways, thats besides the point...

    He said the only thing that helped him with withdrawls as far as medication goes is Midol....Yes Midol...The shit women take for PMS.....

    Don't be ashamed to buy a box of midol dude.....according to my brother that's the best shit for withdrawl symtoms....

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