I picked up a small bag of tomato/herb feed for plants. It's 12-10-5 and I plan on using it up until I switch to 12/12. Does this sound good?
yea it should be ok to use for veg as its higher in N which is needed, but as always start at 1/2 or even 1/4 of the recommend dose it says
Thanks guys. Sadly it's an extended release formula that "continually feed for up to 3 months". What do you guys suggest? Just using about 1/3 of the suggested formula for a week or so, then adding another 1/3 next week?
in my opinion it is best to try to avoid the time released nutes the plant knows what it needs better then the nutes do
This, time release means you have MUCH LESS control over when and what nutrients your plant receives. Just go grab any plant food or fertilizer you can find with a high concentration of nitrogen.
agreed with above 2 posts, it would be worth your while to just not use it, & wait untill u get something suitible, its not worth it for the problems they cause later down the line
Even putting a small amount in would be worse than none at all? I honestly have no way of getting around where I am so I can only make limited trips and my area has very limited resources of certain things for plants. It honestly was a struggle for me to even get the time release trash I got. I was planning on using this through the first stage and when I went to 12/12 lights I would get soil with something like 5-15-15 and just transplant.
IMO yea, as even a small amount of time relese can cause major issues, as every time u water u relese an unknown amount & all sorts, i personally dont do anything that could even 'possibley' give me big trouble down the line with my plants(i like the saying pervention is better than the cure lol), but ofcourse its ur call dude, although if they aint showing signs of needing a feed then id totally wait till i could get better, like i said tho its ur call dude, GL either way
Thanks man, I really appreciate it. I'm going to hold off for now, but if I notice lack of nutes I'll take the risk and use it in small amounts. It seems to be fine now in 20-10-10 soil, so I'll leave it with that for now.
yea when i first started grow i thought they needed nutes soon as they could handle em(after bout 2 weeks) but over time ive lernt that really you dont need to add them untill ur plant starts 'asking' for it, just keep an eye on the old lower fan leaves as they typically will be the first to show if ur plant needs feeding
A while ago i bought typical miracle grow feed and soil that is time released, and when the time came (as quoted above), the nutes wern't, as to say, shooting out. They were trapped in the time release thing and my plants started yellowing. I just went with any regular feed, that isnt time released. Just a heads up if u see yellowing and feeding and wondering why its not working.
yea i know all about that, in ur case IMO it sounds more like it was mayb a PH issue locking out the nutes as with all that MG the yellowing wouldnt be from lack of nutes in the soil, but from lack of nutes by them being locked out by the wrong PH or the plant may have just got 'burnt' to death, i never use time relese or any miricle grow stuff or any general stuff for that matter, none of my plants havent had any issues for some months thanks god, MG stuff catches alot of growers lol i was just letting the guy know that really he can hold off on feeding untill they show signs on needing it
Time released soil isnt such a problem, but time released nutes themselves? Yeah that could dangerous.
What is time-released soil? There's soil that comes pre-mixed with time-released ferts... To the OP, you are better off with organic nutes, but if you can't get that then you can get by with chemical ferts. You can get a simple fert in Home Depot or Walmart type stores from a brand like Peters or Schultz, only a few bucks. I would look to any of these solutions before using the time-released ferts you have. If you have no other option but those time-released ferts then at least crush it up first and use a very low dose.