Question about moving out and whatnot...

Discussion in 'General' started by jimboob, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Well i've been commuting to college the past year, and i like it and everything, but me and my good friend kinda want a change. We're planning on moving out together but I dont really know how to look into it. Best case scenario, me and my friend meet up with another friend who's going to York in pennsylvania right now and we rent a house or apartment or something. Any of you have any experience with that kinda stuff?

    by the way im sure waiting another year would save me alot of money, but I'm the one thats going to have to pay back those loans and im really looking foward to getting out of here, so the money is worth it to me.

    i'd really appreciate any kind of advice or even a link to a website or something.
  2. best advice i can think of...

    I dont care if you are best friends, MAKE SURE you can live with the person. I've seen a lot of friendships go down the shitter because those people can't live together. Too much of one person can be tough.
  3. yea...i see what ur pretty sure i can deal with him for a school year

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