Question about mflb

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by ty14, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Okay well i'm one very satisfied owner of the mflb but i have one question and i've been trying to figure it out but can't so its time i ask for suggestions..

    When cleaning my screen i pour a cap full of alcohol (91%) and i dip my brush into it and hold in on a fresh battery and brush the screen. It makes the screen look shiney but doesn't get the brown tint off the screen and it still stinks of weed.. I'm almost 100% sure i haven't combusted in the box but still shouldn't it take away the smell atleast?

    My next question is whats a good way to scrape the oil out of the mouthpiece when it starts collecting good?

    Does rubbing toothpaste on the lid help clean it? I read on the vaporpedia page that it helped clean it up and remove small scratches but is it true cuz i haven't seen much of a difference:rolleyes:
    I got super lit and decided to clean it up a bit :smoke:
  2. The smell is coming from directly under that screen inside the unit man where a tiny bit of residue builds up. No idea how to begin cleaning that lol. Ive been trying to figure out a way to get the goop out of the draw tube without ruining both the tube and the goop (as alcohol will dissolve the tube) and, i dunno about the tooth paste thing?? My lid isnt very dirty hahahahah
  3. #3 ty14, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Well it isn't dirty or anything but all the finger prints and small scratches just get on my nerves..

    When i clean my stem i dip a q-tip into alcohol and run it through the draw tube once and then wash it out with hot water... Hopefully that won't ruin my tube? I thought it only did that if you soaked the tube in alcohol

    Is there anyway to get the brown residue off the screen? Or is it just a burn mark from the screen getting hot? I'm 100% sure that i haven't combusted in my box.. I pay close attention to it and make sure i brush the screen after each trench, because i love it so much lol

  4. Oh no using alcohol like that should be fine on the tube, extended time would be no good hahaha, i mean getting the goop out in a way you can use it (as its pretty much just hash oil) I dunno about the screen, i honestly have never cleaned my unit hahahaha. It could be brown from heat exposure or something irreversible like that. I havent combusted more than 1 time, which shouldnt be enough to do anything, i dumped the shit as as soon as it started smoking, and barely any had burnt, but my screen is brown too, and when i rub my fingers on it, it feels like just the material, no residue comes off or anything so im going to lean towards that just what happens to the screen hahahahah.
  5. Yea hell i couldn't figure out either also.. I think its just the screen turning colors from the heat.. Who knows.. How do you scrape your oil out of your stem? I just said fuck it and cleaned it this time but next time it starts building up i wanna some how scrape it out and smoke it off my bong :smoke:
  6. Im still working on that, i have yet to clean my stem out hahahaha, me and my friend are trying to find something that evaporates 100% that we can pressurize and blast through the tube in hopes it will take it all out, but we havent found shit yet... Im almost wondering if blasting extremely hot water in it would melt it enough to push it out, then evaporate water and BAM vape goop... but i dont have anything to pressurize almost boiling water with.... so im still at sqaure 1 hahahaha
  7. I figure i'll just use my buddies dentist tool and scrape it out somehow but hopefully i don't break it.. I don't have the slightest clue how to get it out...
  8. I was thinking scraping, but after feeling the consistency of the goop, i think it will end in a huge mess.... Although if you scraped it carefully, then dipped the tool in ISO alcohol and let the shit dissolve off and repeat till the tube is clean, then let the iso evaporate, that may work... my issue is getting it off the scraper... its just too goopy
  9. Idk where to begin.. Prolly won't ever get to smoke it without ruining the stem lol

  10. Yea, i have another theory which involves somehow threading a thin piece of un bleached paper through it to try and get it all, then soaking the paper in iso to get it off, but... i dunno seems like it just wouldnt work
  11. Well it looks like i'm stuck with the iso dipped q-tip cleaning method, which means i can't save it to smoke it :rolleyes: super bummer but oh well i still love my launch box.. I use it daily in my room and my rents never smell me:p although they know i smoke daily they say as long as you don't smoke in the house or make it obvious about what ur doing then they don't care.. So i got some cool parents i can't complain :eek:, i don't smoke in the house i vape in the house mom :D haha
  12. I use my mflb at work man, vapin at the desk all day haha, yea im bumming housing from my rents now after being broke for way too fucking long... gotta get back on the move out... 21 and at home is prettttty lame hahahahah. Although the upside, they dont give a shit if i smoke until the house is cloudy pretty much.... cant complain there lol
  13. Lol yea but my mom has friends that are totally against it and her friends are always over here so she don't let me smoke in the house.. She don't even wanna know when i do it or anything cuz she don't like it but she's not against it.. but i can complain.. I turn 20 in march and i still live with my rents and go to college but life's going pretty good right now i can't complain much:smoke:
  14. haha one day my parents had some friends over, unknown to me.... I was smoking and shit, like usual and i go into the kitched to find people there... someone is like whats that smell? and gets this angry face and looks at me, then my mom like she is going to punish me or something... i run to my room, grab my red card, and hand it to them and i said "any more questions, you can ask my doctor" and they shut the fuck up
  15. Red card? I assume you have your cannabis card? My uncle has his in cali but its not red lol.. He lives in modesto
  16. haha im in colorado man, the card here is a red piece of paper pretty much, and you cant laminate it or anything.... hahahahahhahahah i guess its indestructable from light abuse tho, its been in my wallet for 6 months and you cant even tell its been folded
  17. How come you can't laminate it? I hope arkansas passes their bill to legalize medical marijuana.. I will be a future card holder if so haha :hello:
  18. I dunno why it cant be laminated... it is designed to be folded into a smaller card, but it could easily be ripped in half hahahahaha.
  19. Don't you have to go back yearly to get the card re-instated? Or does it never ever expire? Medical marijuana will be up on the ballot this year in arkansas so i was curious on a few things about it... I have terrible migraines and isomnia (i hope thats the sleeping condition haha) but i honestly don't think a doctor will give a referal to a 20 year old for those conditions lol
  20. I was 20 when i got mine, and i got it for migranes related to a serious concussion i had. Although i have medical records to back the fact i have migranes, so it was no ?'s. Yes you do have to get it renewed once a year, luckily since CO was SO backed up on actually mailing the cards (i received mine 6 months after i got my recommendation) they set the renew date to the date they send they card, so rather than having to renew this month (which is when i got the card last years, feb 22nd) i dont have to renew untill august :)

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