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Question about Marinol (I think)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by HooptyDoo, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. Someone gave me a Marinol capsule the other day - at least, I think that's what it was. He said it was pure THC in honey, he'd gotten them from a dispensary, and he'd been using them medicinally for years. While I'm not a big smoker or anything, I've smoked from time to time over the years, and I've been every kind of high from just a little buzzed to fully baked. This was my first experience with anything edible. I was totally surprised when this one pill proceeded to send me on a full-scale freakout for the next 4 hours. It was absolutely the worst sensation I've ever had in my life - first I was high, then I got the spins, then the bends, then my vision changed (went all wobbly and sepia-toned) and I went completely out of my head. I had pins and needles all over my body and shook uncontrollably for almost the whole thing. Two friends had to hold me steady through the experience; I remained dizzy and physically tingly for over 24 hours after taking the capsule in the first place.

    Does this ever happen to anyone else, or am I weird? What causes reactions like that?!
  2. you're weird :smoke: just kidding. you prolly had a little more than you can handle since you have a low tolerance.
  3. Actually in this case, How do you know it was even THC, it could have been a bad roll
  4. Well sure I'm weird. ;)

    It was just so strange. The high felt *nothing* like anything I'd ever experienced. I had these continual crazy hallucinations - saw all these images I couldn't explain. And I honestly thought I was on the edge of a seizure . . . :/

  5. maybe a bad roll...^^
  6. don't let yourself get carried away..
  7. many patients cant take marinol because it is 100% thc its just way to powerful

  8. THC along with cannabinoids is generally what really makes u stoned and can make people feel uncomfortable.

    Marinol is really bad, and doesn't really help medically. Synthetic version of THC that lacks the effectiveness of cannabinoids.
  9. i didn't even know shit like this existed. that's why i'd rather smoke, so i get to a comfortable level, not a level of so high i can barely maintain my sanity haha :smoke:

    at least youre okay man it's just one bad experience, id stick with smoking if i were you and pace yourself a little more
  10. Either you have a very low tolerance and that was a very high dose for you or it wasn't thc at all. And marinol doesn't get you high from one pill, and it not real thc it's synthesized thc.
  11. smoke weed, fuck big pharma. pills are for junkies and addicts.
  12. my guess is it wasnt marinol or thc at all
  13. i'm gonna guess it was a concentrate made into an edible and put into the capsule. not marinol.

  14. eh, everyone is addicted to something
  15. I got one from a friend once. Didn't really notice much cuz I took it right after blazing a couple grams with a homie. Shoulda saved it for next day when I woke up to take before class or something.
  16. Edible THC can be surprisingly strong. Especially if you've never had it before, edible tolerance is different than smoking tolerance.
  17. #17 lilro, Aug 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012
    Marinol is a pharmaceutical that is SYNTHETIC THC, and not usually sold in dispensaries. It's an FDA approved drug.

    And your high sounds like a normal edible high. Nothing like a Marinol high. Trust me when I say this, that Marinol shit is the worst. You feel literally retarded.

    What did the capsule look like? Marinol looks like little white-yellowish BBs.

    And yeah, only 1 won't get you high. When I was prescribed it, I could get high off 2 joint hits, but needed 3-4 marinol caps to get "high".

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