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Question about making an apple pipe

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Sorbet, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I don't want to use foil because I've heard its bad for you. If i peeled skin off the apple and used it instead of the foil would it work the same way?

  2. i would also like to know the answer to this
  3. Much easier then you expect.

    The top of the apple has the stem, remove that stem, and poke a small hole through there until it is half way through the apple. (I use a nail or the thinnest blade of a pocketknife)

    Next you poke a hole from the side to the middle of the apple (hopefully to the end point of the first hole). You may have to poke a bit to get the air flowing...

    Load weed, light, inhale, enjoy!:hello:

    p.s. you eat the apple when done...
  4. I already know how to make one, do you not need foil? Wouldn't the weed just fall through? The question was would apple skin work instead of the foil.
  5. You don't need foil. You can make the first hole in a funnel shape. I have a friend who has used toothpicks as a screen in apple bowls.
  6. There is no need for foil. Apple skin will work fine plus the apple wont allow you to suck in any ash.
  7. #7 cball, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    You never used a screen-less bong/pipe/one-hitter ???

    The hole for the bottom of the bowl is small enough to block the weed from falling through...just like a bong bowl. And this means the skin is doing the job you inquired about.;)

    told you it was easy.
  8. Ive only smoked joints cause im still new to this. Thanks for the help though. So it doesn't matter how big the hole is? I didn't think that a toothpick would make a big enough hole.
  9. Unless the herb is in powdered form, it would work, but I would say mine have holes about the size of 4 toothpicks round:smoking:

    it takes a bit of tinkering at times to get the right size hole.
  10. just look up apple bong on youtube
  11. dude just make a hole, take a small sized bud to cover the hole and fill it, then load your ground up on top. no need for foil of apple peels
  12. actually i do this with friends all the time, and just ditch it once done its awesome. what we do is pull out the top, just stick a skewer down the middle a good ways, then stick it in he middle horizontally and boom, stick bud on top and light.
  13. The apple is slightly porous so there is no need for foil or apple skin. Just poke a hole for the bowl, and hole to suck out of, and you are good to go

  14. I use an allen wrench to poke the hole so most nugs are large enough that they do not fall through
  15. I use a pencil to poke the holes. Then I find a socket from a socket wrench that fits in the hole, load the weed into that. Works beautifully.

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