question about lucus formula

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by potblower, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. can u pull this off with an 18/6 shedule or what would be the adjustment in nutrients during the veg.? this is pulled off rumple's bucket post............

    How to use the Lucase formula in my bucket?
    I will give an example step by step.

    Vegetative cycle (first stage of growth when the lights are on 24 hours a day):

    My bucket's fill point is at 3.5 gallons. So I need to measure 3.5 gallons of pure water (distilled or reverse osmosis) into an empty bucket (not your bubble bucket, just a clean bucket).
    The formula calls for 5cc of Flora Micro per gallon (5x3.5=17.5cc). So I add 17.5cc of the Micro to my bucket of water. Stirr it in good.
    Next the formula calls for 10cc of Flora Bloom per gallon (10x3.5=35cc). So I add 35cc of bloom and stirr.
    Always add the nutrients seperate. Never mix them together before stirring them into the water.

    PH....... Your PH needs to be between 5.7 and 6.2. Test your nutrient. Add your adjustment solution in small amounts until you know how strong the stuff is. Mine take 5 full eye droppers of PH up to get my target PH of 6.0
  2. ? help please ?
  3. If you read entry 13 in the link in my signature... you'll see that the Lucas Formula depends on the amount of light your using.

    In a nutshell...

    (G/M/B) 0/510 : For low light growing (florecents, etc.)
    (G/M/B) 0/8/16 : is for HID light growing

    This is mll/G of RO water.

    More light allows the plant to drink a stronger mixture. I'm on my second round using this version and am very please withcurrent results

    Good Luck!
  4. the lucas formula is:
    G/M/B - 0/5/10 veg cycle 24/7 or 18/6
    G/M/B - 0/8/16 flowering cyle 12/12
    that's what i use with great results. pretty sure that's what rump uses too.
    check my plants and see.
  5. #6 evilweed, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    I found link that I think might help you. Here is a thread where lucas himself tells how to use his mix to a light to plant ratio. I noticed he uses ebb & flow, its a pretty inresting forum, I hope it helps!:D
  6. I am not trying to be argumentative, but above formula is not current (at least from what I have found). According to Lucas, on a thread at another site located here , there isn't any difference between Veg and Bloom mixtures. The current formula depends only on the light that you are using.

    If you're running HID lights – 0/8/16 (Grow/Micro/Bloom)
    If you're running CFL's or fluorescents – 0/5/10 (G/M/B)

    I'm not sure where LED come in.

    Here is a quote from one of Lucas's responses on the above thread

    Lucas 06-01-2006, 07:15 AM
    “…imvho, there is no need to dump the veg res
    Im glad you asked about that, because Ive been meaning to talk a bit about vegetative nutes.
    btw, before I blaze ahead, I dont recommend 0-5-10 as a veg formula actually, I only recommend it as a low light formula..
    now lets talk about vegging
    if newly rooted clones are transplanted into containers that are going to veg under fluoros, that is a sort of weak light situation, and using weak nutes makes sense, ~1000 ppm
    but after the first week or two of fluoros, if the plants move to strong light, HPS light, or MH light, but with big lamps, you know, not fluoros, what is referred to as HID lighting.. then I want them to see full strength nutes.. 0-8-16.. ~13-1400ppm

    My first couple of grows used the lower mix for Veg and the higher one for Bloom variation with great success. The last two have been using just the HID formula and the results have also been great.

    The above thread also has some great information about EC (electrical conductivity) meters and converting it to PPM, depending on the conversion formula.

    Good luck!

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