Question about lollipop timing..

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by buckethead129, Oct 6, 2023.

  1. From what research I’ve been doing between week three and four bloom is when you really want to get most of lollipoping done. Of course, you want to keep her trimmed throughout the whole grow in my opinion. But I think I’m gonna get in there tomorrow and really cut out a lot of the wispy buds and clean her up really good — I thought I was maybe a little bit too late and flowers I was just gonna accept a little bit of larf. But from what I’m reading, this might be the perfect time to actually start cutting away some of those wispier flowers. Literally every different article I read said between week three and four would be the best time to start. Molly popping right before they start stacking on serious weight. So they can direct energy there instead of into the little branches .. what do you guys think?

    “When should you start lollipopping cannabis plants?
    WHEN TO LOLLIPOP CANNABIS. Most growers will agree that week 3 of flowering is the right time to start lollipopping. After a couple of weeks in the bloom phase, most cannabis strains will begin to display multiple bud sites along shoots. Marijuana will stretch during this phase, some strains more than others.Jun 13, 2019”

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  2. during veg i will do so. Depends how big im growing the plant . You did not mention your veg height .
    After week two of flower is perfect . You will clearly see the popcorn makers . And super crop the branches at the same time week 2 of flower . snap pinch branches
  3. bryan is right after week 2 of 12/12 is when i lollipop for the last time you can leave one or 2 lower branches just to do a snip and smoke at the end of the grow though dont take off too much i made that error too and lost many many grams

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  5. too much and just right 01ay.jpg 8.jpg
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  6. It makes no difference. After a few grow you know what is going to happen and I am usually done by 6 weeks from sprout. It's less painful early because you don't have to see all the yield you are cutting. If you let them grow it does not rob in any way the prime top buds. But who wants to spend time and energy harvesting and separating class B and C lowlight good for nuthin but butter larf?
    That's why LST or scrog wins over the lollipoppers.
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  7. I like week1-week2; 14 days, during when the plant stretches the most. If plant is strong, just pinch and bend some branches, it will always go to the light. Strip away any bottom growth that has zero chance of getting light exposure.
  8. Yup. I Scrog. Coulda done a little bit better job on the back left ([​IMG]
    training her out)planned but that’s OK. It’s super frosty.[​IMG]
    Just got some leaves to defol tmrw :) [​IMG]

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  9. I never did get my sample . ?
  10. Next grow veg a foot smaller . I bet your left pinky you will pull the same yield or more .Not counting popcorn buds . Here is what i am saying . Measure the height you took off the bottom of the plant . Divide it by 2. That number will be the size you should veg less. . So lets say if your higher then shit . 15 inches of lolly pop stem. so we will veg 7.5 inches smaller next time .
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  11. Technically, I suppose it’s not really yield that you’re losing tho right? Because the energy can go to the bigger tops..

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  12. #12 bryan oconner, Oct 7, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2023
    For your subjective answer. I say subjective to keep myself from getting into a fight . Just last night somebody got very upset at my answer . IT will for sure get a bigger yield cutting the bottom branches off . The branches that make popcorn . And a good super crop will for sure boost that yield it makes the plant say this . Keep in mind i a bit drunk and more . Plant gets pinched directly under the main bud site. ( SHIT MOTHERFUCKER ! ) I will have to force all my energy into repairing this branch above the damaged squeezed branch. BIGGER BUDS.
    The plant actually stops and says SHIT.
    Any commercial grower always cuts those bottom branches off . They weigh everything at the end. Just 6 or so grams per plant is major numbers. 300 to 350 more ounces per 1500 plants .
  13. :confused_2: IMO it's more about quality over quantity, as I suspect most non commercial growers would agree. At my age the "smalls" are nothing but a PIA, good for tinc & edibles but that's about it for me.
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  14. I squeezed n bent a couple of the smaller ones like that jus to experiment.. they definitely come back nice and strong — so I should jus chop n e Larfy looking lower buds?

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  15. So if I do start chopping away at some wispy branches, that already have a lot of pistils, I still have enough time for the energy to be directed towards the top colas? I’m sorry, but that’s what I’m getting from these answers. They were a little bit jumbled but I think that’s what I got.Lol

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  16. Just my opinion, won't argue with anyone cause everyone's got the right to their own. But I have trimmed the smaller stuff off and I've left it on and I honestly have never seen a difference in the top buds being larger or not.

    My plants now I haven't done anything with and I got really nice fat rock hard kolas ripening right now. So I really don't know if it makes a difference or not but I've just never noticed it myself. Main reason I'll chop the smaller shit off is just so I don't have to deal with it during harvest, same with the larger fan leaves. Though this year I've just kept it all on and letting it dry and all the tiny fluffy stuff I'm just throwing in a bag and will make dabs or capsules out of it.

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  17. I would leave some if they are buds and can get light
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  18. My trick with the larf is after they dry grab the stem and pull like shucking corn when you have 6 or 8 ounces of that make butter or gift them or make joints I never noticed a change in the tops getting bigger but I hate wasting weed
  19. Yeah I don't waste anything. I turn it all into dabs and or THC capsules. Wanna try my hand at gummies one of these days!

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  20. Yeah, I actually didn’t do too bad of a job to be honest like I have a good 6 to 10 inches of bear stems until you get to canopy.. I think with the penetration of two 320 W LED is it’s also going to be plenty of light to make them frosty even though the very top buds should be very nice

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