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Question about lighters.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TalkativePirate, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Does anyone else put rubber bands around their lighters for better grip? I find myself wrapping like 25 rubber bands on mine so that I won't drop it.:smoke::D

  2. what......? who needs a grip on a lighter
  3. Nahh, I can honestly say I've grasped the simple mechanics behind holding a lighter properly.
  4. I was just throwing the idea out there, I didn't know if anyone else put rubber bands on their lighter.
  5. Might be a good idea if it's wet and you're high but overall I can grip my bic pretty well.
    Nice tags btw.
  6. Naw, but a lot of stoners who use beeline roll some around their lighters
  7. maybe you should try d jeep lighters, there bigger, different grip.
    Rubber bands would bother me, i could see it being hard to get it out of my shorts pocket.
  8. I just buy a box at a time. I've tried markers, bands, CARVING... nothin works when someone accidently pockets that shit and you both forget.

    And there is no worse feeling than when you just get home from a night out, and you want to smoke, and you don't have a lighter.
  9. ***** grow some callusis
  10. I wrapped a few of my lighters in wire a while ago. Looked sick because I put some under it also so it was raised up. :smoke:

  11. grow calluses, how to
  12. A ziptie works well. Also allows you to scrape/stir the bowl.
  13. I don't use rubber bands for the added grip sometimes. I think they look cool, and if you have your lighter sitting on your lap or a chair or something, the rubber bands hold it down so it won't fall off as easily/slip.
  14. Yeah I've seen ppl use rubber bands...its a goo way to keep track
    of yar lighter during a group sesh...

    Lately i been reading up on this stuff called Bees Line...sum type of
    wax string....I seen pics of ppl wrapping there lighters with this the string
    and then using that to light there pipes/bongs.....Seems to be good for hash and oils...
  15. some times i just wrap the lighter with electrical tape seems to add enough grip, oh and i remove those dumb as safety lock things they are so freaking annoying
  16. i think it looks kool when you have rubber bands on it, or colored tape stuff. it just makes it look coo lthough.

    i like bics the best, lol. clippers little start thing ALWAYS breaks on me. or goes out of fluid, always!!
  17. I have a snakeskin Bic, it's cool.
  18. Especially in pockets!!!! Jeans not to much.
  19. #19 GYAZ, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011
    Clipper all the way man there reliable, have good a god flame and look cool, plus you can drill a hole through the bit that sticks out and attatch em to your key ring.
  20. I like to put duck tape around my lighters. It's fun

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