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question about hash

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by eastviewtoker22, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. okay im not new to smoking but i am new to hash
    what is hash
    and how do you make it?
  2. I'll second/elaborate on this question.
    What is Hash, Keif, Resin?
    How does one obtain hash, keif, or resin?
  3. Resin is the build up of weed that you find in pipes
    keif is thc crystals you get from a grinder with a screen when u break up your weed
  4. So the almost fine-sugar-like substance is Keif.
    And the black sticky jizz all over the bowl after smoking is Resin.
  5. So that leaves this question...
    Hash? o_O
  6. hash is a very potent form of cannabis produced by collecting and processing the most potent material that female marijuana plants naturally generate as part of their growth cycle.

    Trichomes are fine outgrowths or appendages on plants that produce a sticky resin. It is not certain, but the sticky resin is thought to be exuded by plants in order to trap insects that would normally feed on the plant.

    In addition to being sticky, the trichomes of the female marijuana plant are a rich source of THC (the primary chemical that causes intoxication when marijuana, hashish, or hash oil are ingested). Hashish is primarily a collection of trichomes that are found on the female marijuana plant.
  7. What is hash? it simply is the best discovery of my life. it really is. :)
  8. thanks
    but people say there gonna use keif to make hash
    so how is that done
  9. I much prefer asking a finely educated individual such as Oklandas than searching something on Wiki.
  10. btw trichomes are the same thing as kief (slang lol), little vocab for ya

  11. Hashish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    now i might be worried if your writing a college research paper and using wiki
    but to find out some shit about hash i think its a pretty good source

    and btw i wouldnt have posted something if i thought it was false or misleading. that wiki page has some great info

  12. Don't get too close, Barnabee, if you touch it the mother won't take it back.

  13. i have no clue what your talking about but im pretty sure it has nothing to do with helping the op.
  14. Resin is the sticky trichomes found on the plant. The "res" that gets stuck to the inside of your bowl is tar, not resin.

    Kief is the trichomes, and small bits of plant matter that managed to make it through the screen.

    Hash is kief/resin that's been separated from the plant (sifting, bubblebags, etc), and compressed/sieved/otherwise processed into hash.

  15. Yeah dude. im high as fuck.
  16. #19 TheWizard, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    making hash is really easy. mix bud with a solvent(99% isopropyl alcohol, denatured alcohol, etc.), shake it. strain the bud out of the solvent. the liquid should be a vivid green color. boil down the solution until it loses most of its volume and takes on a dark green, almost black color. pour this into a container of some sort to let it dry(i'd suggest something with a large flat, level surface. then scrape it all up with a razor blade. you should be left with a black, oily, tar like substance. that is one form of hash, isolated cannabinoids.

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