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question about hash

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by taylortot, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. I was scoping out my grinder, and I noticed some black residue in the groove where the top and bottom part of my grinder connect. Could this possibly be something like hash? Maybe where keif has been rubbed and ground under pressure for a while. Its happening on both my metal Chromium Crusher, and a little wooden grinder with a pot leaf.
  2. That was a FAIL at an attempt to answer my question.
  3. to answer your question, yes, it could be possible. but does that answer help you? no, no it doesn't. consider asking a question that will give you an answer you can use.

    "does anyone know if this gunk is safe to smoke or not?", perhaps would be a better question. Until you test that stuff, it's possible that it's anything, could be dirt, mud, hash, oil build-up from your hands. Any number of possibilities.

    epic fail on asking your question.

    ps, you answered your question by posting it here. If you knew there was no possibility of hash, you wouldn't have posted that particular question.

    btw, ya don't have to be so rude.

    good luck with your gunk.
  4. Just do an iso wash with the grinder if you're curious...shouldn't be hard to find detailed info even on this forum with a search.

  5. dont be a douchebag to someone who is doing YOU a favor and helping YOU:rolleyes:

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