I've been reading about alot of grow designs and noticed that some people don't really dedicate a box or tent to their plants and just have the lights over them. I've been trying really hard to figure out the type of set up i'd need for my 400w MH/HPS i'm goign to be getting soon.First I was wanting to know if I just made a makeshift mylar tent and hung the light in there would that be ok, or is it alot better to have it all in a nicely contained box or area?
Well I plan on having the plants in a room that will be completely light proof besides the lights that I have in there. So thats not gonna be an issue I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be wasting a significant amount of light thus causing the plants to grow bad. The room is significantly larger than the amount of space for one 400w MH/HPS.
Sounds as though you already know the answer then. Consolidate the light in the space which it is needed is always better then wasting a bunch of light into the room where it is not needed.