Hey everybody, now don't rag on me since I'm pretty new to this, but when I'm using the fox farm nutrients, do I mix them all together and water the plant or switch between them every other day for the feedings during the week?
Cool, that's what I was thinking just wasn't for sure. I'm happy with the way it's coming out so far. Sent from my SM-G955U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
1 gallon jug full of water, put nutes in water, ph the water, water the plants. Yeah you mix the recommended amount of each into the same water.
Right on man. They look healthy so far. I don't starting using nutes until 4-5 weeks of growth after I transplant into bigger pots.
Yeah this was it's first feeding. It's almost 2 months old. Just didn't wanna hurt it when it was younger. Sent from my SM-G955U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Will do. I'm just so anxious for it to get done haha. But i want it to turn out good. Supposed to be gorilla glue
Just be patient. Are you indoor or out? I have noticed a big increase in my flower size over the last two weeks using beastie bloomz. They're getting fat and they stink!
It's an indoor grow. I'm trying to be patient it's just so hard hahaha. I'm hoping it's a female though. Which it looks like it's gonna be so far Sent from my SM-G955U using Grasscity Forum mobile app