question about flowering period - outdoor plant to indoors

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by keitanakano, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. I have a few plants outdoors which are very small, 60cm, some even less.

    One of them is developing a nice flowering top now, but it's not much of a plant. I checked and the rootball is not that big.

    If I transplant it to indoors, will it grow more?

    And what about the flowering period indoors- is it longer than outdoors? when does it stop? I do not understand it properly except outdoors it will stop due to cold weather.

    Ultimatively, will I get more bud if I move it to indoors?

    And is it too late to revert to vegetative?
    What will happen to the already developed buds?
    Could I transfer indoors, harvest the buds, and then revert to vegetative?

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  2. #2 doggerjones, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2010
    Ultimatively, will I get more bud if I move it to indoors?
    i'd say you would for sure.. it looks like those plants are pretty far away from being done and need to swell up a lot more. maybe a few more weeks or a month even.

    And is it too late to revert to vegetative?

    on top of the stress of moving it indoors i don't know if that'd be a good idea, plus it looks probably more than halfway through flowering. if you brought it inside i think it'd be best to just put it under some 3200k lights on 12 hours of day 12 hours of night until it finishes budding. the buds should fill out and be covered in frosty looking thc

    What will happen to the already developed buds?

    ive never done it myself, but when you reveg a plant usually some weird looking new growth comes out of the buds and eventually over a month or so starts looking like weed leaves again. but thats after you cut off most of the plant and only leave a couple buds on so idk what would happen to yours if you tried to reveg the whole thing.

    Could I transfer indoors, harvest the buds, and then revert to vegetative?

    you could but not right away, it'd be better to get some lights on it until it can finish and then after cutting the plant leave a bit of foliage and some of the stalk to let it grow back. if you harvested right after u went inside the buds would not be very potent and wouldnt be dense

    here's a good guide on revegging. I was gonna try it for my plant but i decided to just start from seed again. looks promising tho

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