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Question about firecrackers

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by higherfire, Aug 8, 2012.

  1. On saturday i ground up 3gs and made 3 firecrackers... two i made in the oven and i was going to let one sit for a week and see if the natural way absorbed the thc more affectively. I already ate the other two i made, and want to eat the third one that wasnt cooked today......

    Would it have already absorbed the THC after sitting for 4 days


    Should i cook it in the oven like the other two

    If so should i differ from the original recipe since it has sat for 4 days or would that not matter?
  2. I would cook it just to make sure, I hear of the sitting out method failing alot more then working.
  3. do you know if i should cook it for the same amount of time? i dont want to overdue it and vape the thc in the oven
  4. cook it for a little longer than usual at a lower temp, try 30 mins @ 250f

    also, did you decarb your bud first?

  5. Decarb? if it was decarbed i wouldnt need to heat it up. BUt i heard that if you just let the cracker sit over a 7 day period it naturally absorbs thc. But now that its been sitting for days... would that mean the bud has less THC so it would require less time in the oven then when freshly put together?
  6. 4-5 days is actually the recommended waiting time for such a recipe
    And cooking anyway is a good idea if you can, don't worry about overdoing it, just stick to the normal oven temp/time and you will be good

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