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Question about FireCracker Experience

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by ProSmoker0, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Background info: ive been a regular/daily smoker for around a year but recently had to stop for around a month because of work drug test but ive been tokin back up these last 5 days.

    I made a firecracker today with about .9 of some dank pineapple express. I was planning on eating it before class tomorrow morning and just be feelin good all day. I have never done a firecracker before and dont know what to expect.
    I was reading other people experiences and they appear to put much less weed on their cracker and still seem to have a good high. Did i put too much in? Will it be so much i cant focus or do easy functions with my body? like an extreme high.

    Im not a "noob" smoker but just here for a simple question. Thank you! :D
  2. Don't eat it before class.
  3. Is it your first time with edibles all together? If so, I wouldn't eat it. You could have more fun with that not in school...
  4. don't do it before school.

    trust me.
  5. I didn't read the whole first post, but from what it looks like you want to eat it before school?
    Don't, lol.
  6. haha okay guys thanks. Ill just smoke some bowls instead :bongin:
    and save the firecracker for when in a time in need
  7. not only can it be more potent, and last longer.. it's a different kind of high.
  8. naw do it dude i had never eaten an edible and i did exactly what u did. even the break part but for other reasons. anyways i liked it so much iv done it another 4 times. it gave me a really heavy body high so i was plastered to the chair but i had a really clear headed high so i basically aced all my shit while high as fuck
  9. Your going to be fucked. Dont do it before school, man.
  10. I would defintley not do a firecracker, or any edible for that matter, before doing something important where you need to function acceptabley.
    Edibles react to every person differently. I have a wicked fast metabolism so I get extremely high, extremely fast, and more often than not end up not really being able to talk to sober people haha. well i can the words just dont make much sense. Take it when you have nothing to do, or nothing serious, like take it before a movie or just bored at home.
    My favorite time for firecrackers is before concerts, eat them right outside the door and your high for the majority of the show if not all of the show and then some!!

  11. i found it lasted longer but was much less thrilling because the near complete lack of head high. but very large body high. i almost felt sober but my body couldnt move... ha dude def do it. btw i used 1g of dank and another .5-.75 of stems ground up for my first one and i am an extreme lightweight

    oh yea an pineapple express is a fake strain. thats just a name ur dealer threw out most likely
  12. Do it man. As long as you know how to act chill, you can pull it off. Your going to be really high to the point that is almost a trip, but you can do it. make it with .5 and you will be super high and then smoke the .4 before school so you are high the whole day

  13. Pineapple Express is actually a legit strain. It's a hybrid of two strains but, I do not know there names.

    OP, I've made firecrackers with a gram of dank. I do not recommend eating it before school because it is an intense high that sneaks up on you and kicks your ass!

    I suggest eating the firecracker when you will have a day to yourself because the high lasts a few hours.
  14. Eat like 3 of those before class...........

  15. It is actually a real strain and a legit one at that, my buddy grew this crop himself and got his seeds from a good seed bank.

    haha yea i figure ill just smoke some bowls and save the firecracker for this weekend
  16. hm didnt know that thanks i always thought it was dealers tryin to weasel more money out of you almost like them sayin i got some "dro". ha like wtf is that hydroponically grown plants or are u tryin to get some extra money from me

    yea i guess save it to be safe but honestly u should b fine. i actually made a thread like this and every1 told me no but i didnt listen and i was fine... up to u tho

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