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question about edibles and feeling really dumb..

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Kaetzchen, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. So.. I licked up a snicker doodle cookie and my local dispensery today. The first 2 hours I was feeling really relaxed and nice. This mus be hour 3 or 4.. I'm not feeling too relaxed anymore, or a nice high.. I just feel extremy dumb now, horrid memory and very spacey.. Not too appealing. Now, is this regular with edibles, or no? I've been smoking for two years now. I was very heavy last year. Stoped for two months last November and haven't been doing much since then. I only ate a quarter of the coolkie. I'm going to get naked now in the shower.
  2. #2 Kaetzchen, Aug 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2012
    It's starting to get a tad better, and the good vibes, relaxing high is starting to come back somewhat. Hmmm... edibles are a funny thing? o_O
    I just don't want to go retarded from pot. The only negative thing I've found from pot seems to be negative memory effects if you smoke it too much. That seems to get better though after about a month of sobriety.
    Lols... Anyone else ever "lick up" some good edibles?

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