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Question about Colorado MMJ

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by FunkeeNuggz514, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Alright guys, I am moving to Colorado on May 15 to attend school at Front Range. Well, I was diagnosed with ADHD in 5th grade and I have been on 3 or 4 different medications and they ALL act as a very potent stimulant and I speed my ass off for hours on end. I am also on methadone because no doctor around here would see me after my wreck because I have no insurance and the only doctor around here who would see me was being investigated by the DEA. He is the major OxyContin prescriber in my town and I didn't want to get involved with that. Well, my question is when I go to look on the doctors' websites about recommendations, they list the 8 qualifying conditions and then they always mention 'or any other qualifying condition that mmj can benefit'. What does that mean? Is ADHD included with that? I also seem to go thru times of depression and it really sucks. Someone from CO with knowledge please help!!
  2. Well I am not absolutely positive on whether they prescribe for ADHD in CO, they will prescribe MMJ for many other things thought, but I know for sure if you mention some kind of back pain then there is a high chance of getting it prescribed but you can always ask the doctor if that is an option. When you say you are going to Front Range, would that be FRCC in Fort Collins, cause I know there quite a few doctors that will prescribe MMJ in Fort Collins. As for having ADHD I have read many reports on how MMJ can help a great deal and I feel the doctors here in CO will agree. Good luck with finding the answers, I hope this helps but I haven't had any friends suffering from ADHD that has tried to get it prescribed, so best of luck to you.
  3. you cant get your card in colorado for ADHD. but you can potion the helth board to get it put on the list. also if you are under 25 they are starting to really check on the people who get it for pain. also the laws will be changing soon state afficals are trying to make it hard for young people.
  4. OK....well my back pain isn't a problem. Like I said, I've been prescribed to methadone for the last 3 yrs but I'm finally going to get on suboxone because the medicine is taking a toll on my body. I wake up nauscious every morning and I am over it. However, suboxone doesn't stop the pain exactly, it only keeps me from being sick. I'm keeping my bottles that show I was prescribed to 160mg a day and I got proof that I started in 2007. As for my age, I'll be 27 on the day I leave my house for Boulder. I'll actually be going to the FRCC in Longmont but I'll be living in Boulder. I have been keeping up with all the news with Romer's bill but I saw today that they may remove the age limit but they are trying to make it that you need a doctor to diagnos the condition and then another to recommend the mmj. Here is my source.

    Medical-marijuana bill likely to be further modified - The Denver Post

    I just hope they don't make it too hard for me because I cannot be prescibed to any pain pills because I got a history of abuse. Thanks for your help everyone!!

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