question about CODEINE

Discussion in 'General' started by liquidswords, Jun 3, 2007.

  1. so i found this in the fridge. is it safe to take and get fucked up? if so, how much should i take? thanks in advance :D

  2. lole take like 20 mg. it's most likely aged and there will be less codeine in it than stated.
  3. Do not ingest this drug!

    It contains a 1:10 ration of Codeine to Guaifenesin.

    guaifenesin is a expectorant and a uricosuric. Unless you want really bad kidney stones, then it's a terrible idea.

    You'd be pissing blood before you're even buzzed. This stuff is meant to be taken in small quantities to relive phlegm congestion.
  4. look's pretty safe to me.

    the guaifenesin only makes you throw up, it's not that harmful, and alcohol is alcohol
  5. shit nm, listen to rasta he might be more expierenced than me.
    I know when I was younger I had some dxm with guaifenesin and I just kept throwing up, it sucked
  6. lmao I have selective sight.

    I saw codeine and nothin else. yeah this shit is more to make you cough up the shite in your lungs and maybe supress your cough just a little. It would be hard to abuse it since any large dose of guaf will make you hurl.
  7. You're actually right, but that effect only occurs when guaifenesin and dextro are mixed together.

    Or that's my understanding. It might cause vomiting on it's own as well.

  8. ahh damn, guess this is a no go. is there anyway to extract the codeine?

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