Okay, I really like this bong, 11 Inches, 2 Honeycomb percs, easier and more durable than tree percs and it's REALLY cheap. The only thing bothering me is the stem, the bowl is really high and its almost to where the mouthpiece is, and it just looks ugly. The bong itself has a Female joint, but it comes with a Female Bowl, so it also comes with an adapter. So this is what the original setup looks like. Click this link for a larger view ---> LINK Here's the Female Bowl and Female to Male adapter: It's not that I have a problem with the setup, but instead of having to put adapters for a Female bowl, Couldn't you just but a Male bowl and have less hassle? plus it will make it look less ridiculous. Okay so the joint is 18.8 mm so would I HAVE to get an 18.8, or could I settle with a different size as well for variety? Here are some bowls I found, would these work for this bong? Link 1 Link 2 *and a side question, what is that thing in the middle of this picture called? as what is it for? *EDIT* So I know now, it's an oil rig (I'm not an expert on dabs) but my question still stands, If I wanted to smoke flower, could I just remove the adapter and oil rig and add the bowl?
Well first of all, thats an oil rig. The little glass nail is what you torch and then when its hot you dab BHO on it and smoke it. If you wanna smoke flower, you can get an ash catcher attachment and that will cause the bowl to be farther away from the mouth piece. Also the links you posted will work, just make sure you get an 18.8mm so it matches yours. (which you did)
My bad man, I'm a novice on dabs, personally, I tend to avoid them, cause it'll kill my tolerance, but do you know what the middle thing is called XD Also, If I wanted to smoke flower, could I just remove the adapter and oil rig and add the bowl?
Yeah, the glass nail looking thing? It's called a ''glass nail'' or ''nail'' for short. In the last picture (from left to right) they are Dome, Nail, and male to male adapter
Okay so you heat up the nail, but wouldn't the nail close the air flow as it is inside the oil rig, or is there a hole inside the nail or what?
To answer your other question, yes you can just remove the adapter and put in one of those bowls that you posted a link to and that will work. There is room around the nail for air to move through. Just put the nail in and get it setup and pull air though and you will see what I mean
I mean, technically you can do whatever you want. Would I do it? No. Will it work? Probably not very well and you would need to keep the nail out to do it but I guess you could. I just wouldn't recommend it
If you keep the dome set up buy a drop down attachment because that is way to close to your face. Sent from my iPhone 5s using Grasscity Forum..💨⛽ï¸