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Quarter Ounce no name HEADIES! ( NO 56k)!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by HeadySpaghetti, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. Just picked up this quarter for a hefty 130, only thing I could get it, but still bangingg ass bud.



  2. #2 thedankness420, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    nice pick up looks prety nice and i can only get shitty stuff right now
    and hows it smell?

    edit: more importantly have you smoked any? :smoking:
  3. 20/g all the way up to a quarter? That's harsh man, but the bud looks nice. Personally wouldn't have paid more than 90, but hey its not my money or my area.
  4. Yeaa but people sell .7s or .8 in my area for dubs so its not a bad investment, but thats the prices in my area.
  5. that's definitely some straight chronic.
  6. Yeah its goooood shit, wasn't really that potent smelling though.
  7. Yeah that is really harsh, but you wouldnt pay more than 90? You must get some killer buds for some killer pay up to 110 for that easily, maybe even 115. Those buds DO look tasty.
  8. Yeah I think it is quite interesting how most of my province works. In Alberta or atleast in Calgary, almost every dealer sells their weed for 10/g, 30/eigth, 60/quart, 110/half, 200/zip. It isn't about finding a killer deal as much as it is finding the guy with the killer BC dank, because once you have the connect they will sell you things like personally I got bubba kush, OG tarp, and trainwreck for maybe 70/quarter. They sometimes charge more than standard, but 15/g is absurd over here. You only get ripped off if you buy outdoor shitty mids or schwag haha

  9. You live in Canada man quit showing off.
  10. Lol yeah I keep in mind the prices we get when I purchase things, because it is more worth it to grab an eighth of dank rather than a 2-6 if i want to get messed up because it is like I am getting a deal all the time. It is, however, kind lame that our police force is full of arrogant young ***** on power trips, and will come down on your ass hard if they catch any weed. They don't just break your bong 'round here :smoking:
  11. Very nice, +rep :)

    PS - I pay $120 for mid/headies -- aka... not quite headies, but really good mids. I'd deff. pay 130 for that.
  12. yo dude, with my guy its 20/g all the way up to an ounce

    im in Montgomery,Al btw

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