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Quantity or Quality?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by stonytony1, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. My dealer is a grower, and he has an ounce of mid-grade northern lights for $130. He also has a half ounce of high quality Gorilla Glue #4 for $105. I was wondering what's the better deal? I love saving money and finding deals and i love buying in bulk. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks :)
  2. 105$ is decent for a half. Depends on yourself. The potency don't matter to me I always smoke alot

    there's certain accidents where you may be drunk and on drugs.
    but it's going to happen weather you are or your not
  3. Nl is always a good smoke imo though grab a gram of it if u like it grab it I would for 130 a zip

    there's certain accidents where you may be drunk and on drugs.
    but it's going to happen weather you are or your not
  4. High grade always
  5. Normally I like to go for a mix of quality and quantity (better than mids but just under top shelf), but gorilla glue is one of those strains you HAVE to try! Truely unique! The phenotype I've tried is GG#4, there are others out there (#1 and #5 I think) and the effects and smell/appearance vary slightly.
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  6. Is gg that good? I will have to get some seeds

    there's certain accidents where you may be drunk and on drugs.
    but it's going to happen weather you are or your not
  7. I haven't really haven't had constant access to dank so when I get the chance to buy high quality name strains I go for it but 105 is good for a half so I would say yeah.
  8. It has a very thick trichome layer and apparently it's called gorilla glue because it "glues" up the scissors when the bud is manicured (and it "glues" you to the couch). It's so weird cause the strain was created by accident, but it somehow made a super potent hybrid! It's also by far the best hybrid I've ever tried, powerful head high at the start, transitioning into an insane body high. It's actually more relaxing than most indicas I've tried!
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