I know as you go from dank to schwagm the amount if thc on a bud would decrease but does the Quality? Lets Say I had got like 30 pounds of Schwag and i dry iced the keif off of all of it, would a gram of its keif be comparable to a gram of keif shook off some Master Kush? My 1st Off Probation. I Slayed The 6 Month Dragoon.! <--- This my face ATM Sorry this is totally in the wrong forum i meant to post this in apprentice.
im pretty sure the shwagg kief wont be as good as master kush kief, its probably a lower quality kief, but honestly im not 100% sure... obviously though like 5 grams of shwag would get you the same ammount of kief as bout 2 grams of masterkush... try it out and see? congratulations on slayin the drago0n too man! must have been a pretty weedless time hahaha did you smoke at all during probation or no?
nah I didn't smoke at all, I took it has a 6 month T-break. my tolerance is shit now. which is amazing.