Hey guys, so I have been checking out these forums for a while and I have learned a hell of a lot from what goes on here. I finally post because I have decided that I will buy my first bong. I am looking for something in the $100-$250 price range. Some type of single or double tree/helix/honeycomb type percs Does NOT need to be brand name Preferably clear, scientific glass I ask because I have looked for quite sometime and I have come up with a few options but I want to see what you guys think. I am located in the US so domestic sellers would be easier for me. Thanks guys.
Hey man, I'd recommend HVY Glass they are good quality glass and have some pretty good designs... My friend bought a beaker with showerhead and ice catcher for like $230Irritated when I'm not sedated.
I'd say check out iOffer if you are in the US. You can get some quality NN glass there on a slim budget.
http://islanddyes.net/product/tall-boy/ http://lazydazeco.com/product/mini-airstrike http://www.brotherswithglass.com/SYN_Mini_Disc_Perc_Carolina_Blue_Label_Water_Pipe_p/bwg-syno5cb.htm
non brand name glass isnt quality glass and laot of brand name glass isnt quality glass either look at c2 custom creations and hvy. both exelent glass. does it have to be a bong? or can it be a bubbler. im not a fan of tree percs but http://www.brotherswithglass.com/HVY_Glass_14_in_Beaker_4_Tree_Arm_Water_Pipe_p/bwg-gt2.htm this peice stacks like a champ search it on utube http://www.brotherswithglass.com/C2_Custom_Creations_Ratchet_Perc_Bubbler_p/bwg-brb50.htm recycler version of peice above http://www.brotherswithglass.com/C2_Custom_Creations_Ratchet_Recycler_Bubbler_p/bwg-brb50rc.htm
Agree on the recommendations here. Please keep in mind though, the rathcet doesnt stack as nice if you dont pull it hard. I think that you could get a triple ratchet for like 40 usd more than the single, and thats def worth it.
Have you considered scientific bubblers. I recently got a left coast scientific bubbler, my phone sucks and I don't have a camera or the patience to take a pic and figure out how to upload. Here is a link to basically the same piece http://www.leftcoastscientific.com/gallery/photos/bub/bub1.jpg, the only difference is the label and the mouthpiece part is a way bigger obtuse angle. For me this is way more practical for everyday use and hits very smooth, cost 140$ at local shop and you shouldn't have any issues finding decent glass in your price range. I will say you probably don't want anything to big if you trying to conserve.
Meh, nothing against those who helped OP and suggested glass but I wouldn't buy any of these. First off HVY isn't scientific, it's the ol' back to the roots beaker/straight shots. Of course nothing against HVY, they make great glass, but simply not in the same category as scientific. Now the SYN is a scientific, but every stoner in your hood has one... well at least in CA they do. My roommate had one and ended up selling it, I got to hit it multiple times but it kept me thinking "okay it's nothing special". I never tried a recycler before so I can't say much about it but recyclers are often used for oil/concentrates, were you going to use this piece for oil or flowers? With your price range and if you do some research you can find a decent amount of selections. Here's what I would get, Apix design kingstem: http://www.apixdesign.com/15-60mm-king-stemline-18mm/ or if you want a bubbler Chris Riley (De-fi glass) showerhead bubbler: http://smokeysglass.com/store/product/10116/Defi-Showerhead-Bubbler/