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Q's About KUSH

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by beerbuddah35, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Wondering how much Kush and all its awesome varieties should be going for in SOCAL dispensaries. when i first started going to dispensaries in 07 Platinum and PUre Kush went for 65-85 for 1/8. Does this pricing still apply? And does anybody know which dispensaries would have the best Kush for the best Price and also which dispensaries pay you a fair amount for your meds? Thanks for your time GC members.

    10 tacos for 10 dollars how could I lose?
  2. $85 an eighth... holy fuck.
  3. I kno right? That was from Cornerstone in East Los, they still have the best quality in meds but the pricing is far out of reach for any normal bud smoker.
  4. Man your getting ripped off paying 85 and eighth. I get real Kush around my area from growers for only 60 an eighth. I dont even go to dispensaries because we dont have any in NY
  5. wow that is overpriced. 60 is the most i'd pay for some top shelf premium kush. and i'm talking about OG. all the other kush's (bubba, hindu, insert fruit name here) are ok but i prefer OG

  6. Green Angel in Ventura probably has the best weed that you're gonna see. Top shelf is 60/8

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