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QP of trainwreck 8)

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by jewbagg, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. got a qp of blue dream last week
    a qp of trainwreck this week
    not that great looking, but still dense little buds with lots of crystals on them
    smokes awesome, tastes like grass but smells like mangos

    just made a bowl of milktea with this. :hello:

  2. i like that they look somewhat frosty :D
    i'd make some brownies with that :))
  3. u make brownies out of shake or hash
  4. Looks like real trainwreck, not that crap crossed with big bud. Real Twreck always has those thin finger-like nugs.

    Outdoor weed FTW
  5. not all the time. My friend had some sour trainwreck and we grounded up some nugs to make the brownies
  6. I heard you make brownies out of chocolate, flour, eggs and oil???? :confused:

  7. nope, not mine!
    i smash a bunch of nugs into a brownie shape, then slather on some chocolate cream and eat it:D

  8. i was under the impression thats how everyone was doing it:confused:
  9. Dude Blue Dream is the shit! Whenever I get me and my friends high thats what were using :]
    the traintwreck looks pretty tasty

  10. Blue Dream really stands out as one of those all-time just good strains.

    Its like that simple, homey food you eat all the time and love. Spaghetti and meatballs. Bread and butter.

    A constant, you can always come back to and feel comfortable and safe :smoke:

    Fuck im stoned.
  11. haha yup. Especially how dense it is. My bowls last forever when im smoking Blue Dream
  12. DAMN! That last pic is so fucking bomb bro. :cool:
  13. I had my first encounter with Trainwreck the other day.. It was really good mine had a nice sweet an tangy smell only problem for me was that it burned quick.
  14. I was expecting to see some KILLLLER NUGGS....... :(

    You sure its Trainwreck? You get it from a dispensory?

    Whats a troll?

    mmmmmmmmmmm brownies..........
  15. Not gonna lie, from far away those buds look like the pooooop.

    Zoomed in they're nice and dandy :)
  16. Yep thats definitely real trainwreck!

    Enjoy that man

  17. Im not going to lie I think they look pretty sexy. Look at that frost.
  18. ^^
    im in san diego too! lets smoke up:smoke:

    thanks for all the comments everyone
    this bud is awesome
    i make salad bowls with this and my blue dream. BLOWS my brain out and leaves the rest of my body tingling but still functional.
  19. [quote name='jewbagg']^^
    im in san diego too! lets smoke up:smoke:
    yup:D the 619 has the Danky Dank :]
  20. This looks like the Trainwreck I have, it doesn't look that dank but its one of the best weeds I've had!

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