No bullshit. My experience with Queensland police wasn't exactly pleasant, but from my experience, they would arrest 16 people (if they wanted) if they were smoking weed in public (including arresting me for 0.25 grams) My experience in New South Wales. 9 of us smoking behing the homeless hostel, one had some I and I didn't know we were chopping 3 grams. D's came up and asked what we had there how much etc etc and i bullshitted and said just a stick mate, the fucking junkie was like just leave us alone bro were just having a smoke. Anyhow they drove off and a dicy van followed behind. And all I could think was, in QLD we be fucked... Second instance, smoking on a park bench and D's pull up flashing the torches and I freaked. They said you right mate? And I said yea, gripping my chop scissors tightly thinking 2 cunts we gonna roll me. They said they were D's and I asked for I.D.s cause cunts are sketchy these days. Then I seen they're guns and raised my hands in the air and said nah its okay dude I see your guns your okay. Like i freaked. They asked where I got it from and I just said a guy lol and there like a guy around here amd I said no no just a guy then I asked so are you just gonna toss the sesh or whats going to happrn Then they whispered to each other after searching me (just after they came they searched me, they completely missed my weed in the bag thank fuck) and they threw my sesh and pulled my bong apart and let me walk. Anyone had similar inter-state leniencys?
HAHA oh fuck. Nah dude haven't been caught. Bound to happen one day though. Mad story! Sent from my SM-G920I using Grasscity Forum mobile app