Putting indoor plants outside...

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by netuzer, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. So can you put indoor plants that have been vegging under cfl's outside in the hot sun somedays... ?

    will this stress the plant or could the sun be too much or does the change in the amount of light possibly a stress for the plant ? i really want to give it some sunlight like 2-3 days a week but i also don't want to go from sunlight/ cfl to cfl/sunlight that much if the disadvantages outweigh the advantages or even if there is any negatives/positives ?thanks..
  2. I think a change of light will stress the girls, especially keep changing spectrum and such.

    Good luck
  3. thats what i was afraid of, i guess they'll just be staying indoors :) thanks..
  4. Why dont you plant some new ones outside?:hello: for more plants.

  5. ive got a few good spot but i dont have the time or money right now to prep an outside grow...
  6. You can have a plant that does part-time indoors and part-time outdoors, but a few things:

    First, you'll need to do it more consistently than 2-3 days a week. The plant will need to get used to the strength of the sun, and if you don't expose it enough then it will never harden off.

    Also because of the strength of the sun, you should introduce your plant gradually. Put it in the sun for only a couple of hours the first few times then build up from there. Don't put it out in the peak hours roughly 11a-3p until it is more acclimated to the sun.

    You also might want to start in a spot that is partially shaded, so that the plant gets alternating direct sun and shade.

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