Anyone like Kottonmouth Kings? Thats what we listen to when we blaze around here Ithink every stoner should know about them They are mostly underground
There actually pretty mainstream, though they don't play there shit on the radio. At least, not around here.
Underground.. haha.. They are garbage, Every Bro and Trendy Pot Head here listen's to then. If they didn't smoke weed they would have no street credit, there shit is whack, and they need to get some talent.
Yeah you must be retarded cause that why people listen to them because everysong is about weed and I'd like to see you fuck with D-loc or Johny Richter you'd getshot
Don't take shit too seriously doggman. His opinion is just as valid as yours. They aren't the best. But their shit is still fun to smoke to.
Hahaha, Man , don't get your panties in a bunch, Im stating my opinion, thats what you do in a forum. I'll go spit In D-Loc's fuckin face, I'd like to see him try to pull out a gat, and bust a cap in my cracker ass, aigggghhht Gannngsta? Anyways, I don't want to turn this into a flame war, they got a couple ok songs. But , honestly, there about as hardcore as the Backstreet Boys.
kmk's some bitches, no talent, they are a one note group, sure bud is cool, but switch it up for christ sake, they some bitches they suck
I love listening to KMK while blazing. The only problem is that each cd only has a handful of "good" songs. Everything else is weird, hip-hop punk fusion bullshit that has no talent in the lyrics. I love them, but they sound like the just got extremely stoned and wrote down the most rediculous things they could think of. One example would be "Johnny's got a problem". And "Whos the Criminal?" two songs from Fire It Up that are just rediculous. Love them while blazed, think they have no talent when sober. "Red light, should i stop? Nah" wtf man? lmao.
What was the fact, that he's retarded and would get shot by kmk I think thats takin it too seriously. And by the way, kmk isnt even that good. They have some ok songs, but its too much weed songs.
dude seriously, prep school white boys are more gangsta than kmk, i will concede i do like a few of their songs though
KMK is no where near gangster. What are some of they're best songs? I personally dont like KMK, But i havent hear shit from them. Maybe like 10 songs max and i aient like them. So whats some good songs by them? Ill check em out before i bash em.
bone thugs are a way better ACTUALLY gangsta version of KMK. i'd like to see any KMK member try to mess with bizzy bone cause that would be funny as hell, they would get shot in the face. They're just a gimmick, plus i'm not really a fan of the style of music i don't really like ICP either.
I like bone thugs too. I think people havent heard much and thats why they dont like them or respect them but what ever You want good songs? I'll name some. And you cant tell me they have no skill because they do D-loc is just kind of annoying 420 Bad habits (album Version) Bong Tolking Alcoholics Bump Day Dreamin fazes Fire it up Get Cash Put it down (With cypress hill) Weed War Rest of my life So High Tangerine Sky King Klick Thats a few if you want more ask I doubt people are even going to listen to them
the 2 best songs by kmk is Kila Kali Skunk one check those out you might like them kmk is ok but it was said eailier they only have a few good song per cd and the other are crap but the 2 song i mentioned in my opinion are very good and you need to check out thug pit it is by icp,kmk.tech9 and esham very good song
420 - Aient bad. Bad habits (album Version) - Bong Tolking Alcoholics - Bump - Day Dreamin fazes - Couldnt find it. Fire it up - Get Cash - Couldnt find it. Put it down (With cypress hill) - Weed War - Rest of my life - Aient bad. So High - Tangerine Sky - King Klick - Couldnt find it. There, I jus wasted my time. I went through and searched for every song and couldnt find three. Out of the 10 i downloaded, 2 of them were jus aight. Not even good. Theres the verdict.