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put cough drops in bong water and other flavors or candies

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Whatpottt123, Aug 24, 2019.

  1. Is this okay to do? Jolly ranchers also seem like a good flavor. A friend mentioned trying his nicotine lozenges in the water chamber but i said no let me ask. Thanks.
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  2. tenor (1).gif
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  3. Get good weed and it doesn't need flavored. You must get some real crap by the sounds of your threads
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  4. I read the title of the thread and I already knew who posted it, didn't even have to check.

    your gonna drink the cough drop bong water aren't you???
    • Funny Funny x 5
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  5. Find a new dealer
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  6. Dude do you just post a thread for any question that pops in your head??? You've posted just under 30 threads.. most of them being silly questions like this one.
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  7. What, Tide Pods didn't work?
    • Funny Funny x 4
  8. There's some classic products that would go well in bong water! But first, why bother with bong water? Have you tried Coca Cola, 7-up, Mountain Dew, melted ice cream, or chicken broth? Yum! It could be a winner!

    If that doesn't work, here's some classic things to add to water that just might work in a bong: Fizzies, Pop Rocks, or Alka Seltzer!

    How about a Boba bong? Just think how cool it would look with the little Boba bits dancing around when you hit it!

    Regardless of which one you pick, it's a sure bet it'll improve the bouquet, flavor, and drinkability of the bong water, once it matures enough to be your next cocktail.

    Bon Appetit!
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  9. Yea the op should drink the bong water with the cough drop in it. It will for sure help sooth your throat. lol thanks for the laugh ya billy
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  10. what is a billy?
  11. Lol dude get a follow from me.
  12. I've heard of using coca cola or flavored drinks like that.....but not candy
  13. Only thing you should be putting in a bong is water or water and ice...
  14. You know what on second thought. I smell a cave troll. Don’t feed the troll
  15. Weed has no business in a bong?? :p :love-m3j:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Well, in the bowl maybe but not in the bong itself...
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  18. Coming from someone with a pic in a dimly lit room? :jump::jump::jump:
  19. At least he has the balls to show his face.

    Do me next...
    • Funny Funny x 2

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