pussy money weed

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by XxnickpwnsxX, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. Situation: Me, and 2 of my buddies pick up a zip of bomb dro of this kid.

    we go to a party out in providence b ride down there like always, and when we get there theres like 100 heads and mad bittys. this chick came right up to me and was all over my shit so i busted out the weed and we went to the other room and rolled up a blunt. go downstairs and get into a game of beer pong, she is my partner and im shootin awesome but she sucks so i make up for it. blunt ends and its 3v1 in cups. she shoots it and i bounce and they both go in, so its game she hugs me brings me upstairs and i hit it ^_^ after that we went downstairs drank mad and then passed out.

    i love nights like these :smoke:
  2. Man it feels good when it happens like that, two days from going back to sell crack, yessir.
  3. You just up and left the table bro? You gotta hold it down. j/p
  4. providence what? R.I??
  5. Now that's the way to break a ho son.
    Nice work.
  6. yeah R.I and after i won i didnt care to play again. pussy>beer pong imo :cool:
  7. Lool nice dude
  8. I live in R.I bro east providence, how long you been living down here

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