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pushups while smoking

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by somepoe, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. I love packing a big ass one hit in my pipe and then doing like 50 pushups as fast as i can and then imideately rip the whole bowl. i get a nice adrenaline rush. anyone else like to this or something similar?

  2. No. I like to sit on my ass, eat and sleep.
  3. wtf is wrong with people like you man.
    No offence, but you just seem like a big poser, just like the people who say they smoke ounces a day.
    Just smoke a J and chill man.
  4. how am i being a poser? sorry im not a lazy shit like you.  i like the way the high feeels after i do physical activity and then take a big hit
  5. because your full of bs to make yourself sound like an internet badass.
    Im not lazy, study full time, when its the end of the week I like to unwind with a few grams of weed.
  6. ladies ladies. stop arguing!
    and i prolly can do like 15 before i have to exhale lol. i'll never try it and wouldnt want too. sound like it'll hurt
  7. im not saying you take the hit then do pushups i mean you do the pushups then take the hit right after
  8. Yeah, sex.  Just not as fast as i can. lol
  9.  im not bsing i just did this and im stoned. and i wondered if other people did it 50 pushups isnt that hard at all to do and im talking about any physical activity. i also like too run while smoking a joint or blunt. it gets me really high
  10. Feels good, man.
    Don't know why there's all this hate all of a sudden. Haha
  11. yea thats what im sayin
  12. Dude you're so cool you can do push-ups and smoke weed, again how does being able to do push-ups rather than just chill make him lazy? You're 13, get off of grasscity.
  13. ooooh then yeah. wouldn't you feel lightheaded because you're outta breath? no thank you
  14. I'd rather go swim after smoking a couple bowls, it feels amazing

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  15. #16 Firefly 420, Jun 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2013
    Lol damn people are assholes. Has anyone not heard of runners high? Just because someone likes to exercise and smoke doesn't mean they're some bragging tryhard

  16. About a month ago I ripped a bowl and had the urge to do pushups afterwards. Not sure why, but it felt great. Did about 60, packed another bowl. Pretty much alternated bowl, pushups, bowl, pushups...felt amazing. I agree, physical exercise makes your high better
  17. #18 DayJaVu, Jun 21, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2013
    It's the way he said it that is getting on people's nerves. If he had just said "I like to exercise, then smoke", then I'm pretty sure people would have agreed. In fact, that is a very common thing to do.
    Instead he says do does fifty push ups as fast as he can. It makes him sound like one of those meatheads.
    "Do you even lift, bro?"
  18. Girlfriend and I always have a J waiting for right after sex, LOVE smoking while I still have a sex high.
  19. Adrenaline and thc go very well together from my experiences.
    Going to the gym high is awsome.
    Coming back from the gym and ripping the bong in a hot shower with some music is even awsomeer.

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