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Pushing the limits of "high".

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by slipkittie, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. I know you can't OD on weed, but is there an amount you can smoke where any more and you wouldn't be getting higher? I plan on lowering my tolerance for about a week of exercising and green tea during which time I'm not going to get high.

    After I've had a bit of a break, I plan on getting higher than I've ever been before. Just sitting down and ripping 12 cones/bowls, maybe more.

    By smoking lots and lots of weed in one sitting, am I wasting weed? Is there anything that could go wrong?
  2. yes young padawan there is a point where you cant get any higher.i think i have been to that point once.... but i must caution you man it can be a odd experience, if you are not familiar with being soo high but in face now that i look back to that point it was very calming zen.i was so high that i felt zen like.
    i think you got to have a high tolerance and really good weed.the tolerance level i was at was from smoking for 2 years straight
  3. Basically it's called greening out, and I've only done it once. And while it was very fun, I was still high the next day through a double shit of work, which was even better.

    There is a point where if you continue to smoke you are essentially wasting weed, but then again, what really defines wasting it? I mean sure you may not actually get higher, but you're still enjoying it as you smoke.

    I like to reserve these kinds of situations for windfalls, because then you just grab a couple people and get waaaaay too baked.
  4. yea op if u did what ur gonna do smoke all those bowls its possible u might greenout.
    in my case at that time smoking that amount that your planning to smoke would be all good for me cuz i had a really built up tolerance.
  5. hahah op where u get that profile pic from?
    ive seen it befor but below the pic it said "cock mongler" lmao
  6. I have no idea who he is ahaha, I heard "Richard C Mongler", but that's probably a pseudonym.
  7. #7 Colts, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011
    I don't know how being dysfunctional is fun but to each their own. Just smoke it and find out for yourself. You will probably just fall asleep a little later. Sounds like a good investment.
  8. I once got so high I forgot how to open my eyes

  9. You're only physically dysfunctional, your brain on the other hand, is going for quite the ride.
  10. hahaha creed is awesome.remember that episode when dwight was drug testing every one and he seen the picture of weed he was like"that is northern lights cannabis indica" i was like :D

  11. The best part was when Dwight said "ugh no that's marijuana"
  12. hahha yea:D
  13. This is probably nothing impressive to any of you, but it's related to getting higher than I've ever been before. My two friends invited me over a couple days ago to pop my bong cherry. Yeah yeah, like I said not impressive. But I took a small-ish rip the first time, and a good size one the second time and I was fucking HIGH as fuck for about twenty minutes. I couldn't do anything for five minutes but sit there and grin like an idiot. Fun stuff.
  14. Couldn't tell you about strains or anything, but I know it looks better than the reggie I get all the time.

  15. 10 dimes? so you mean $100? you got ripped off man, thats not worth a hundred. I would say maybe $50 if its dank.
  16. Seriouslly consider some editables if you're going to do this. Firecrackers are easy as hell to make and you can get a 6 hour high of .5g. Add in some smoke sessions and you'll be comfortably numb for a long time.
  17. [ame=]YouTube - Joe Rogan talks about DMT[/ame]
  18. There comes to be a point where your anandimide receptors are binding with as many neurotransmitter molecules as possible. Action potentials either fire or don't, there's no intensity gradient. If all the neurons are firing, all full of anandimide, it would be impossible to get any higher. This state would be almost impossible to reach, though.
  19. this summer im going to eat an ENTIRE hubby bar:)

    thats pushing the limits enough for me...

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