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Purposely getting "too high"

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bamf64, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. i have been thinking that one day im just going to eat like 2 hubby bars and see how high i get.

    anybody ever smoked/eaten a REDICULOUS amount and gone to the moon?

    what was it like?
  2. No. No one has ever smoked a ton. Ever.
  3. use to do it on a daily basis. Try it out its awesome
  4. I do it atleast once a week in this very seat sitting by this very computer. lol
  5. Everyday my friend. It's nice when you have access to headies.
  6. okay so my first ever experience with edibles:

    I had no idea how strong they were, so I ate 5. This was like at 8 o clock at night. By 9, I was lying in a field puking, and tripping balls, I felt like I was on a roller coaster falling through blackness, and I was seeing circle of pink elephants rather vividly. Someone finally threw a sleeping bag over me and I passed out. I woke up again at 2am, and I was still hella BLAAAZED, stumbled inside and passed out. Didn't really feel un-high until like noon the next day.

    I would not suggest others copy me :smoke:
  7. I'm in the process of it now. This stuff is sativa dom though so I won't get couchlocked out that fast, but hey life is a process
  8. #8 sixer, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2011
    much different with edibles than smoking. if you plan on eating two hubby bars, i don't see that ending well at all. with edibles, you can very easily get too high and feel like utter shit and puking everywhere. where as while smoking, it seems much harder to get to that point(has never happened to me while smoking)

    i remember the first time i ate a hubby bar, and the dispensary didn't warn my about how much to eat. i ate a full bar, and after about an hour, i didn't feel anything, so i decided to smoke a bowl. about 1 1/2 hours after consuming, it all hit me, and it was downhill from there. i was entirely too stoned and couldn't do anything at all, got wicked spins, and led to me puking quite a few times, and eventually just wishing i wasn't stoned at all anymore cause i felt horrible. i eventually was able to fall asleep or pass out after puking up so many times.

    the recommended dose for a hubby bar is actually 1/2 a piece to one of the pieces(i think its 5 or 6 per bar, but i can't remember the exact amount)

    i would really not advice you do eat two hubby bars, or probably even a whole one for that matter. from people i have talked to at dispensaries, a few of them have eaten a full bar at once as well, but their experiences were always pretty similar to my experience(and those were employees at dispensaries too) and i could only imagine how one would feel after two bars
  9. Your gonna feel like shit. Only eat one, man. Maybe even less.

  10. yes sir/ma'am.

    ill probably do a 4 or 5 out of the 6.

  11. i would start with one or two at the most man, otherwise it could still be bad

    and with edibles, it can be up to 2 hours before you feel the effects

  12. well i have hubby bars all the time bro...i only eat 1-2 peices whenever im wanting to get decently baked.

    im talking about one day i have nothing to do just eat the whole thing and see what happens.

  13. Than do it because nobody is going to change your opinion anyway.
  14. iv smoked a quarter o blunt with 4 people . made me parnoid as shit , but thats just me . to much in a firecracker does the same thing

  15. :poke:

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