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Purple & Yellow Mint

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by dbeck, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Some Good Cannabis

    Yellow Mint[​IMG]

    [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. Hmm wuts up with all those sparkly little specs? they kind of look like glass or grit weed but idk man, tell us how the smoke is :cool:
  3. obviously some ones never had dank before man haha. great pickup. how much it run you?
  4. Crystals are trichomes, its a strange camera. Yellow mint is a heavy indica, pretty strong stuff. Purple is a hybrid, buzz is like the yellow mint but clearer and not as heavy.
  5. Half O's for 210, not a bad deal in my area at least, prices can be ridiculous, especially for meds.
  6. Great pick up man + rep for pictures. :smoke::smoke:
  7. Those 'little specs' are called Trichomes
    this is where all the psychoactive material (the stuff that gets you high) is located, the plants produce these resin glands several weeks into flowering to protect themselves from bugs and other predators as well as harmful UV rays. Generally, the more trichomes on a plant the more potent it is.

    Now, to get back on track...
    Nice pickup! Which one would you say is your favorite? and hows the smell/smoke?
  8. Killer Buds man!
  9. Looks like a hellova smoke.
    Toke up.

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