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Purple Urkle 1/8th pickup. Dank.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Tergale, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Only one pic for now. This is taken on my friends camera earlier. Cost me 60 for an 1/8th but he gives a bit more anyway so it's not a bad deal.

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  2. Hermie!!
  3. im not gonna disagree with you, because ive never seen a marijuana plant let alone a hermied one, but i don't see anywhere on the bud where you could tell... i dont see any small little pod lookin things, those 2 yellow lines look like leaf-matter though.. looks fine to me, enjoy it looks mighty tasty..
  4. I'm def ripped right now. :smoke:
  5. it could be my shitty screen but im pretty sure the yellow banana looking thing directly in the middle of the bud and at the very lowest point on bud are the little pollen sacks. def bomb weed tho, ive had herb from the clubs that was hermed
  6. god damn i wish i had some of that

  7. yea thats what im lookin at also, i don't know what it is though, looks like a dead leaf to me kinda..
  8. it looks a lil darker than i remember, though it maybe the camera. I had some of that with the real pineapple express (i can't prove it but damn if it wasn't yellow and fruity) and i was fubar
  9. Also this picture was taken by my friend. The nug pictured is also her bud but I'll post a few pics soon of mine with my camera. I posted this first as I couldn't take pictures earlier and my camera is a piece of crap and you'll see how shitty the pics come out in comparison.
  10. Ok just smoked another bowl of this. This camera is very old and is like a 3.1 mp lol so plz don't hate.

    I have another nug about that size, maybe a bit bigger. And 2 smaller nugs.

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  11. Thats awesome dude how you liking it?
  12. Shameless bump.

    Any other comments?
  13. bump/update

    I took about 5 more pics just now and this one came out amazing and the others terrible. My camera is literally 3mp so cut me some slack. Also I figured out the pod mystery. The yellow hairs / over exposure caused on in this image as well and I'm looking at the nug now and there is no sack or pod or anything other than hairs.

    By far I think the best weed I've ever smoked.

    Attached Files:

  14. I've had purple urkle from the shop many times, $55 an 8th. But its hardly purple at all. just filled with tons of orange hairs.

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