Purple seedling

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Thatguy89, Jul 5, 2017.

  1. As the title says..8 day old seedling turning purple. Anyone know what could be causing this? Temp stays between 69-77 so it shouldn't be the cold? I've never seen this on any pics of seedlings online..can't find anything abut it.

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  2. give it a few days it will grow out it genetic I've seen it.alot. even in strains that don't have purple genes...

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  3. Thanks was kind of wondering if that was the case because they seem fairly healthy...only fed light calmag and RE gold and temp are in check.
  4. too small too feed

    ph'd water only , some strains can handle it but you risk frying other strains...good.luck

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  5. I read that in Coco that it's good to feed a very small amount of calmag since there is 0 nutrients in the media
  6. to a seedling? where did you read that? please find copy and paste..

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  7. seedling = water only

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