Purple pistils

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by kblam, Sep 25, 2018.

  1. What do purple pistils do/mean if it couldnt have been from cold? 3 plants from same sativa bagseeds and one of them has purple pistils, other is normal and third has twice longer pistils than both. (And i mean they stick out like that straight cheezy hair in movies after electrocution) Will they have something special to them or is it just vanity (sry for shitty pics and yeah yeah mites theyre taken care of)

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  2. Just an aesthetic mutation, it won't taste different or give a different high or anything like that, but I love the coloured pistils, they're pretty rare
  3. Nice purple pistols rare & beautiful!!
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  4. Here some more pics

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  5. She looks very very stretched what kind of light are you using and how far away do you have it?? A little closer for your next run.. itll keep the nodes alot closer so the buds will connect & make bigger huge buds..
  6. Natural sunlight in a wooden greenhouse with minimal effort, tbh im just glad it made buds at all but yeah next time im avoiding heavy sativa strains
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