purple maxx????

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by luis650787, Sep 23, 2008.

  1. #1 luis650787, Sep 23, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 23, 2008
  2. I've always heard that you shouldnt believe this when it comes to Marijuana.
    Trust things you can help yourself with. Good soil and Good lighting.´
    If you want to add more punch to your buds, I've read that adding UVB light to your plant makes them produce more THC.
    Hope this helps.
  3. o i see can u send me more info on the uvb lights ?
  4. #4 Low-Ryder, Sep 24, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 24, 2008
    Well, to be truly honest there isnt anyone who has 100% confirmed that UVB light makes them produce more THC. But all the fingers are pointing at it. So you can find out yourself.
    Check also this out, this guy has a point:
    I use UVB flouroscent light plus a big CFL light.
    I buy them from a local shop here, but try searching google for: "Repti sun, Repti Glo, and Zilla"
    Zilla makes them most powerfull UVB lamp I've ever seen. And you can get them as CFL as well :D
    Use them with care though, coz UVB light isnt good for your eyes or skin!
    UVB still cant beat a good lamp and good soil! ;)
    I also know for sure and has heard about that plants near/at equator has more THC levels, but hasnt really been explained. UVB and UVA rays are at higher rates at equator or high altitudes. So as I said, fingers are pointing at it
    UVB lights have to be close to the plants to make any difference

    Cannot pass through window glass.
    Causes sunburn.
    Causes tanning.
    Helps the body with normal vitamin D production.
    Varies with the season. It is more intense in the summer than in the winter.
    Varies with weather conditions.
    Is more intense at midday than in the morning or late afternoon.
    Is more intense at high altitudes and near the equator.
    Is 0.5% of the sun's rays.
    Is protected against by the sun protection factor (SPF) in sunscreens.
    Is related to more than 90% of nonmelanoma skin cancer.
    Is related to cataracts.
  5. Purple maxx is a highley untested product. I have heard it works by many people turn your plant a deeper and more purple. I am definetly gonna give it a try on my gdp. I do think that some nutrients actually do what they are suppose to do. Benificial bacteria works, superthrive, wetbetty, collosal ect. So if those work and if purple max wants to continue production im sure it does something good. Like i said though, the product also know made by humbolt nutes called "bushmaster"...people swear by it. It inhibits verticle growth and makes your plants more bushy. So if that works, go try purple max, but keep in mind im not sure if it makes your plants with purple characteristics turn purple, or if they already are it makes em more purples. But real purple tastes delicious.

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