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Purple Kush?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by izamkazaam, Nov 26, 2011.

  1. Marijuana connoisseurs what do you guys think of this bud? i bought it in Miami for $320 an oz. They say its Purple Kush but to me the high seemed less lazy then what I'm accustomed to (I'm pretty sure everything I find is a Hybrid of some sort) leading me to believe this is more sativa than indica. It gave a light body high, but mostly I felt the affects from the center chest to the head. The high crept up slowly and seemed to intensify as time passed, lasting for what seemed like a long time. I felt a bit more sociable. Also, my productivity while high was noticeably increased, I was able to maintain focus on work more than usual, zoning into individual tasks and getting shit done... Excuse the rambling, I'm looking for an opinion on whether or not this looks worth $320 an ounce. Thanks.

    Attached Files:

  2. The look of it is worth the 320 alone man. I dont know where exactly your from but that would go for 500 an OZ around me. If it doesn't smoke that well...i would just smoke something else and look at that purple goodness.
  3. i bought an ounce of purple kush for 220$, so to me that sounds liek a ripoff-- but idk how they do bizzness in miami
  4. I would take that shit back to whoever sold it to me and demand my money back.
    I could be wrong, but chances are that bud is complete shit...
  5. [quote name='"Snowman00"']The look of it is worth the 320 alone man. I dont know where exactly your from but that would go for 500 an OZ around me. If it doesn't smoke that well...i would just smoke something else and look at that purple goodness.[/quote]

    500 $ oz ? Ur fucking crazy man it ain't Gold.... ROFL
  6. [quote name='"IzZ Tip C"']I would take that shit back to whoever sold it to me and demand my money back.
    I could be wrong, but chances are that bud is complete shit...[/quote]

  7. NY prices my man, ask anyone around here. A pack of smokes in the city is 13.50 haha. WE GET RAPEDD
  8. he aint kidding about ny its nuts up here man 60 a slice sometimes unreal it aint crack lol that purp u have in ur hands looks just like a pheno i have from nirvana called venusflytrap... now the quality ....if its anything like mine 320 a zip isnt bad at all
  9. Lol at $500 a zip.
    I live in NY.
    Most I've ever seen a zip go for is $350
  10. [quote name='"izamkazaam"']Marijuana connoisseurs what do you guys think of this bud? i bought it in Miami for $320 an oz. They say its Purple Kush but to me the high seemed less lazy then what I'm accustomed to (I'm pretty sure everything I find is a Hybrid of some sort) leading me to believe this is more sativa than indica. It gave a light body high, but mostly I felt the affects from the center chest to the head. The high crept up slowly and seemed to intensify as time passed, lasting for what seemed like a long time. I felt a bit more sociable. Also, my productivity while high was noticeably increased, I was able to maintain focus on work more than usual, zoning into individual tasks and getting shit done... Excuse the rambling, I'm looking for an opinion on whether or not this looks worth $320 an ounce. Thanks.[/quote]

    I've never seen bud this dark....its possible it was a sativa that went through really bad temperature drops...this forces plants to turn purple and some people use it as an excuse to name their strain "purple _____" there's only a few strains that contain purple leaves/bud genetics
  11. where in NY you live?
  12. Long Island. I've had connects are far north as Albany and I've never seen such prices.
  13. Im from Long island...haven't seen no 350 hahaha where in LI
  14. Lol dude I feel bad for you. I can seriously say that a $400 zip around these parts (Nassau) is unheard of. Check out my pick-up thread if you want to see some of my grabs.
  15. #15 Snowman00, Nov 26, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2011
    dude im in nassau haha we get 20 for .7s around here. You got very nice buds sadly my connect is prob dead i've been dry for a month haha

    shit i'll burn with you
  16. I'm from NY as well and my friend if your payin 500 an ounce you are gettin ripped off you should talk to your people about that cause no pot is worth 500 an ounce idc what it looks like it better be a giant trichrome

    That bud looks like they spray painted it with black shit or used food dye, or it was grown and took on a few frosts or even got some kinda mold infection how's it taste?
  17. Just cause its purple doesn't mean its the shit.

    The ONLY strain I would buy above price due to looks, (even though it hits like a motherfucker, is the strain Acid weed, but it aint good for you.

    Looks like This
  18. [quote name='"Spitzz"']Just cause its purple doesn't mean its the shit.

    The ONLY strain I would buy above price due to looks, (even though it hits like a motherfucker, is the strain Acid weed, but it aint good for you.

    Looks like This[/quote]

    Is that weed dipped in LSD or is acid just the strain name
  19. He is in Miami...this strain has been floating around for a decade in SoFlo. We used to smoke that shit in high school, whenever someone got it we called it black bud for obvious reasons. Its taste like weirdness to me so I prefer to pass on it esp. at 320 an OZ but a lot of cats like this shit...I say whatever floats your boat!
  20. [quote name='"Snowman00"']dude im in nassau haha we get 20 for .7s around here. You got very nice buds sadly my connect is prob dead i've been dry for a month haha

    shit i'll burn with you[/quote]

    20 for .7s??? That's brutal

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