So I have this neighbor whose with MFA (medicinal farmers of america), and hes been growing for well over 30 yrs, hes about to harvest well over 30 lbs on halloween, so trust me wen I say this guy is legit. He's been working on a strain for awhile called "Purple Heaven" which is (Purple hash plant x Purple Cream x purple kush x God's Gift x purple hash plant AGAIN)!!!....He let me smoke a bowl of his 1st harvested batch of this stuff and OMG, I'm gna make a bold statement and say right now that I dont think I WILL EVER smoke ANY indica or ANY sativa/hybrid either for that matter thats even 1/4 as good as this was. Once this shit floods the country I cannot wait to see ppl freak out at how amazing it is after they smoke it. This is gna be the new GDP, or OG kush, or blue dream, as far as popularity wen those strains were 1st being introduced...Thats how this strain is gna be...
I agree, I just had some a few months ago, and it's like nothing on Earth - where has this stuff gone? Is it just so good no-one can keep it on the shelves? It's the American Beauty weed, zero paranoia, and I need it. Any idea how to get it?