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#purple haze#

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by deanjonesg, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Purple haze is a sativa. The high is mellow and its got a very mild taste. Its California grown. Its got some nice dark green mixed with a very dark (almost black) purple color. And its COVERED in crystals. And it has a very strong earthy smell to it. One of my favorites <3
  2. Cool story brah.....
  3. I lold.
  4. hahahahaaa is this for real, or is OP just being a sillypants? reminds me of 2nd grade...

    "I like dogs. I have a dog. He is my friend. His name is Rover. He is 3 years old. My favorite food is spaghetti!" and then there is a picture of me next to my name on the paper.
  5. flushing my grow. always growing always smoking. always medding.

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