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Purple Haze, all in mah brainn... pretty purple piff pics inside! i'm high!!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by poopsmith, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. Whats up gc

    after not being able to get dank shit for a few days, i finally stumbled across this Purple Haze :smoke: Its finny, i was just complaining the other day that id neever had dank purps haha :p

    it smells like... sweet lemony frootloops, and tastes about the same. ground up, the smell is intoxicating. extremely smooth smoke, and in person the buds looks like very dark purple. perfectly cured, breaks up in 1 or less grinder sweeps, trimmed quite nice as well. decent count too, 6g for $60 :cool:

    pics: (Click for super high resolutions, these pics are massive)

    (with flash)

    (w/o flash)

    i'm so goddamn high, my brain is goop and my muscles are slop.. hooray dank!
  2. Looks pretty amazing.
  3. Nice dude.
  4. Thats looking nice man, looks like it would be good with milk....
  5. omgggg... it looks like candy........

    serious JUICY purp right there...:hello:

  6. You sir have gotten yourself a SAP, Solid Ass Pick UP
  7. fuckin 6 g's of that for 60$?
  8. that 2nd pic gave me a stiffy lol
  9. lmao thanks man, funny you should say that, this weed gave me the munchies so damn bad haha i was just munching completely at random in the kitchen :p

    thanks brah :D it certainly is extremely sticky and juicy.

    I know right haha, everyone hates Canadian prices :p this dealer kinda hooked me up fat, he was selling 40/8th, but then said hed give me 6 for 60, i was like.... aighhttt haha sounds good man

    great weed great price, great smoke, keep the comments comin guys ahha
  10. damn thats some dank. bet it gets you real high.:smoke:
  11. you got dank purp and du mauriers, thats sick.

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