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purple hash plant. LARGE PICS

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by lilmike2511, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. #1 lilmike2511, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    sru pickup, 120 for the qtr
  2. Your link to your pic is broken :(
  3. 120 for a quarter? Better be dank
  4. yeah i gotta pay out the ass bro , sorry i fixed the pic ihope

    blaze on!
  5. payin the same as 3/4 of the states. bud looks beastly
  6. Now that looks dank. I'd probably pay 120 a quarter too.
  7. That's fire bro, nice pick up.
  8. some frosted flakes lookin dank
  9. Awesome looking bud. Looks like you could stick a nug to the wall.
  10. haha thanks guys it was one of my top five dopest dopes ive ever smoked
  11. Sounds like good times;)
  12. woo wee those buds are very nicely coated. how is the taste/smell? I'd pay $120/4th for that.
  13. who in hell pays 120 for a quarter...i pay 100 for a quarter of that shit :D
  14. No one asked you what you pay, stop acting like 20 dollars difference is a big deal.
    Op got a solid deal, tons of people pay 120 for a quarter. When you think about it, even 100 for a quarter is crazy, but this world is crazy.
  15. #15 TexRx, Feb 12, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2011
    Looks like some Fire!

    I do. Lots of people do. It's not Cali everywhere!

  16. Exactly! Im sure even some pople pay 120 in cali..
    Love your name TexRx
  17. Who the hell pays $100 a quarter? The most i've ever payed is $70 for a quarter of really dank.

    See? Other people can do that too. Different places have different prices dude. No need to make a post just to brag about the prices you get.
  18. ya im with ziplockbag it must be canada, no one ever charges over 70 a q for similar quality to that or at least i cant find them lol awesome lookin bud tho!!!
  19. ive had purple hashplant many times in the bay, it has a very buttery hashy candy grape flavor, and a amazing soothing indica high. Likers of this strain will also love Purple Mr Nice guy which is a purple X g13 gross
  20. I used to get sweet tooth that looked just like this, but for 90 a half lol I love Oregon

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