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Purple durban

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Houstoner420, Mar 18, 2012.

  1. [​IMG]

    I'm told it's purple durban. Not the best quality pictures and sorry about the size.. but you get the idea. Good quality dank grown in Houston TX.

    Anyone else have purple durban pictures? I've never heard of it.
  2. Looks fantastic, nice grab. :D

  3. Looks fucking bomb, nice pickup.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  4. #4 mjmama25, Mar 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2012
    Wow, never heard of that strain at all. Maybe a unique new cross you're lucky to smoke before most of us get the chance. I doesn't sound like a made up name to me. If I was going to make up a name for that I'd just call it GDP or something more believable. How's the smoke? Taste, high etc?

    Edit - yours looks a hell of a lot better than what pops up on google when I searched it. Whatever it is, it looks bomb. Nice pick up.
  5. Never heard of Purple Durban. But the bud looks DAAANK!! How's the smoke??
  6. Looks like a good hybrid
  7. Durban Poison x Purple stuff
  8. Matmew is right. It's actually called purple durban poison. Just found that out an hour ago. Been smoking it all night. It's super smooth. Has qualities of a good purp but more heady than gdp. Very fresh. Green hit tastes light but has a thick smoke. Definitely a really nice indica dominant.
  9. Good job fella. Durban poison is supposedly some hallucinogenic shit, grows well in Australia also.
  10. Looks awesome ! FRosty!

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