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Purple diesel?/ Joint (Pics)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AiC, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. #1 AiC, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    So basically I am a new smoker experimenting to see if bud might help my anxiety/depression. I just bought an 5gs of this purple ? for $100 ,But anyway I plan to roll a joint tonight with some handy dandy zig zags, I'm just wondering how much should I put in for just me? .5?
    The last thing I need is to smoke to much and feel like shit.
    (Sorry shitty camera pictures aren't amazing)
  2. ya that bud looks good.... 8ths should be only be 50-70 max
  3. You paid way to much! You shouldn't have paid more than about $70. I suggest you go on Webehigh, and see how much 1/8 cost in your area.
  4. Well around here in Jersey I usually pay 20 for anything decent.
  5. o_o for 100 you should've gotten 5-7 grams of that bud sorry bro :(
  6. but hey that weed is pretty good
  7. Well besides overpaying how much bud should I put in since my tolerance is pretty low and it looks pretty decent?
  8. Woah, An 8th for 100? thats alittle pricey.

    Looks very dank though bro enjoy :smoking:.
  9. Are you serious $100 an eighth? Your being robbed, you should be getting about a quarter of stuff of that quality for $100.
  10. As I said again its $20 a g here even on it says the same but how much should I put in the joint :rolleyes:
  11. you got ripped off. sorry man.
    and just roll whatever, you dont HAVE to smoke the entire thing, if you want you can cut it open and save the half burn bud for your next bowl.
  12. .3-.5 since no one answered your question lol
  13. if its 20 a g it shoulda cost $70...for 100 you shoulda gotten 5 grams with your pricing
    but yeah put like .5 in the j
  14. FUCK My bad I bought 5gs not an eighth I thought an eighth was 5gs. :(
  15. 20 a gram for that isnt so bad. but im not entirely convinced thats 5gs. Do you trust your dealer?

  16. The picture is only 1g of nugs.
  17. Just roll a full joint, and take a hit at a time until you feel you need to stop. Thats the best way to gauge it.
  18. I would put about .5 in the joint.
  19. if your new..esp smoking dank id just put like .3-.4 i put .2 in my spoon and get pretty lifted. low tolerance =)
  20. You over paid if you haven't gotten the idea from other posts already. If you buy in bulk you should get a cheaper price per gram from your dealer, but anyways just put as little as necessary to roll the smallest possible joint needed. I suggest using two papers, even if it does take the taste away it burns much slower and you'll be able to smoke it much more efficiently. There's no need to put a lot of weed in each because it looks dank and I'm sure you'll be high enough from just a small bowls worth, .2 or .3 max.

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