Purple Bud

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by WhereThaBud, Jun 13, 2007.

  1. I know there are ways to make your grow turn to a purple hue. Ive heard that you can do it by chaning the temperature at the last minute, but I've also heard that you can do it by changing the PH in the soil.

    Is there any way to make the grow purple other than making it colder?

  2. You can buy strains that are purple. Like Purple Kush.....
  3. if there isnt a way to change it to purple from the Ph then nvm ... i heard that from a friend..

    thanks :wave:
  4. You can:

    At the ripening stage, you can drop the temperature dramasticly in
    the dark hours.Do this for a few days and your bud has A CHANCE
    to go purple, if not then a purple hue.
    Ive also heard of ice water in the dark hours, whilst dropping the temperature.

    It all depends on which starin you have.Im pretty sure it HAS to be an indica.
    Purple Kush normally have pink/purple hues themselves.Ive smoke purple
    kush that has all purple calyxes(bud).But the fine Purple Kush I recently
    stopped growing had pink/purple hues only.Ive noticed more purple bud
    to be in USA, expecially in California.

    I can get into detail if you like, on how MJ chemistry works(cloroplasts,sugars,etc..)
    Theres a bunch of differant ways.Pretty much stress it out in ripening stage....

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