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Purp Pick up

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by BlueDream420, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. #1 BlueDream420, Jan 17, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 17, 2010
    Purp Pic

    Attached Files:

    • purp.jpg
      File size:
      241.1 KB
  2. dope georgia got fire purp

  3. No Doubt
  4. Wow , that purp looks amazing. I would love to smoke on that.
  5. have fun with that ,looks like it's going to treat you right :smoking:
  6. Looks like some straight fiyaaaa. Enjoi the killa
  7. Thats is some dank purple, hows the taste and smell
  8. Sweet, with a minor must
  9. damn bro thats some dank ass purple.

    Honestly, Ive never had purp in my hands, or smoked purp as far as I can remember. Im in a little town though, no where close to different strain connects. Looks good though :smoking:
  10. dude i live in georgia and thats true georgia has nice purp but i wish we had more variety
  11. To be honest I get a great variety of buds. I get everything from the fluffiest fluff, to the rocky dense nugs. Everytime it seems like something new to choose from.

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