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Purp Mr. Nice Guy

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by automaticlover, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Yep...sorry for the low quality pics, they're from my camera phone and i cant upload pics to my computer from my regular camera :/ I have more nugs than this, some of them have a lot of purp some only mild purp and some have no purp at all and are just bright green unfortunately. pics dont do justice but at least you can see the purple.:smoke:




  2. mr. nice guy is the shit man!!!
  3. yeah it is lol
  4. Nice bud man, I miss seeing purple stuff around my town. I love the taste of Purps.

  5. thanks and yeah where im from i didnt see purp for awhile so when it came around i just had to grab it :)

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