I realize this is my second time today, but Pure also looks like they've got some real legit tubes. Not aimed at one in particular but they all look real nice. Anyone have any info regarding their quality? Not looking for some cheap china percs. Anyone own one?
I don't own a PURE but I have seen them in person and who have had friends who have owned them. Heard a lot of good things and the dude at the head shop was talking good stuff and their glass looked really clean.
I posted in your other thread and I am going to post hear to say you should just get a straight tube with a nice diffuser and a cheap Ashcatcher for it.
not everything, just depends on what ur price range is. but i have owned a pure.. and they're alright. nothing good. but dont get percs.. had a double stacked tree perc straight 2 feet tall, it sucked.. the percs got so shitty so quick and never got better even after cleaning.. just get a roor straight if you can afford it, or theres plenty of other good names out there
im trying for something with one good perc. ashcatcher is a def. i'm sort of stuck on beaker bottoms but ive seen a few straight tubes ive liked
Don't buy a Pure. I have one and it's draggy as fuck. I don't use it at all , and I really don't care what happens to it. There is your Pure review.
I had a pure beaker with a diffy but no percs and it was nice. didn't drag at all, heavy, dropped many times and the breaker didn't break. When it did break it was tipped into a ceramic sink right onto the joint. I'd excpect a roor to react the same, so i'd say theres some good quality pures out there. I've heard bad things about the ones with percs tho.
for that price look into the one that someone bought recently. its not pure though badbreak glass or some shit like that. ive never seen a tube clear so fast in my life.
word thanks yawbus http://forum.grasscity.com/toking-tools/534957-badbackglass-showerhead-tube-pic-milkvid.html